Subject: 🔥 Sorry, It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time... 🔥

Partner Promotion: From time to time, we may feature a product or service that we fell will add significant value to you. This is one of those times.

How many times have you heard that - or some variation?

When things go wrong and people inevitably ask, "What were you thinking?"

As I sit here looking out the window, a thick haze of smoke drifts hangs in the air.

Last night, as my wife and I tried to enjoy a glass of wine outside on our deck, small pieces of ash fell from the sky.

It was all due to a forest fire that had started about 250 kms south of us.

But with the wind headed in the direction it was, it brought the smoke and ash up to our neighborhood.

So the air smells like campfire, everything is a little hazy with smoke and we get ash landing on everything around us.

I've been told that the a lot of fires are caused by humans, whether it be a discarded cigarette, a fire that wasn't properly put out or some other mistake.

A few years ago, we had a fire burn out of control until it stopped about 20 kms from our place.

That particular one was caused by someone who was burning old grass off their field and it got away on them.

And with thousands of hectares burned, millions spent in firefighting, and some people losing their homes, people would inevitably ask the person responsible, "What were you thinking?"

To which, they would reply, "It seemed like a good idea at the time."

But these momentary lapses in judgment aren't just limited to forest fires.

In fact, they happen quite a bit when it comes to trading as well.

It's easy to get tempted into putting on a bigger trade than you should, only to end up losing it.

Especially if you've had a number of successful trades recently.

And when things go wrong, it's easy to ask the question, "What were you thinking?"

Trade and account management is often something that is overlooked in the thrill of trading.

And a lot of people ignore the warnings about only trading with money that they can afford to lose.

That said, they do so at their peril.

Just like playing with fire, you might be able to get away with it for a while.

But it only takes once to be left with a smoldering ruin.

And even though we've got an extremely high win rate inside The Empirical Collective, we know that managing your account and developing your trading knowledge is important.

So we don't just offer you simple to follow trade alerts.

No, we also offer educational trading resources on the inside.

Because we want you to succeed both now and well into the future.

🔥 So if you're ready to get access to our trade alerts that have been smokin' hot lately, you can join us using the link below:

Stay safe!

Your Minister of Capitalism,
Brett Davison