Subject: 😱 Investment Strategist: The Worst Is Coming 😱

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Think you’ve seen it all in the 2020 stock market crash and subsequent rebound for the ages?

Blackrock's chief strategist, Kurt Reimen says:

What’s ahead for investors may rival that. Serious inflation, unseen in decades, is a threat.

So are higher interest rates and an end to the era of strong gains for both stocks and bonds.

He went on to say that in terms of inflation, those is potentially for a higher inflation environment than we’ve experienced in our investing lifetime.

In the upcoming environment, his take is that for U.S. equities over the next 10 years, an expected return of 6.7 per cent seems reasonable.

So, according to him, gone are the days of double digit stock growth.

What's the solution?

Well, for investors it looks like the party is slowing down.

If Reiman's claims are true, then investors won't be able to park their money passively in the markets and enjoy the same returns.

The key to solving this?

Get trading and get active to make those gains.

As the stock market landscape changes quickly, it's incredibly important to have a winning strategy that has stood the test of time.

Which is why you should sign up for the trade alerts inside The Empirical Collective now.

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Here's to seeing you on the inside!

Your Minister of Capitalism,
Brett Davison