Subject: New Mystery Release: God Knows No Heroes

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God Knows No Heroes

by Norman Shabel


Joshua Ryan is a down and out lawyer, but one case could give him the comeback of a lifetime.

When Rabbi Carl Rubin's wife is found strangled, the shockwaves reverberate far beyond tiny Summit County. Carl Rubin, a spiritual advisor with deep ties to the Israeli political scene becomes the chief suspect, and he enlists the legal help of Joshua Ryan, whose personal baggage includes his history of alcohol abuse and a train-wreck of a legal career.

For Ryan, this case would provide redemption—his own and the rabbi's.

From Summit County to the twisting streets of Jerusalem's Meah Shearim to the boulevards of Paris, the rabbi is chased by his own lawyers, and they attempt to evade the clutches of a malevolent prosecutor's rough-riding detectives.

Ryan's nemesis is Roger Leary, a corrupt prosecutor whose reappointment by the governor depends on the rabbi’s conviction of capital murder.

In a shocking forensic turnaround, the trial of the rabbi concludes in a blaze of courtroom reality.



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