Subject: the smart way to build muscle faster

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

It's your muscle building coach Lee Hayward here with some important info about maximizing your muscle gains and getting the most of your bodybuilding nutrition program...

If you read my email from the other day, than you know I'm now a firm believer in taking digestive enzymes to help boost protein absorption and your overall digestive health. It can literally take your nutrition to next level.

The positive benefits go on and on. Especially when it comes to muscle building and recovering from training. It's really a no-brainer, because consuming a high protein diet isn't going to help you gain more muscle unless your body can actually digest and utilize all that protein.

And the specific enzymes I recommend are the "Masszymes" formula, because they contain the highest protease [the enzyme that digests protein] counts on the market, and they're specifically designed for athletes, and high performance individuals.

So let's assume you understand all the benefits of taking digestive enzymes.
(If not, you can read about the health benefits here.)

And let's also assume you've ordered some Masszymes and
want to make the most of them.

How should you take these enzymes to maximize your results?

It's easy, simply take them BEFORE MEALS and BEFORE YOUR WORKOUTS.

As for the dosage, you should take at least 2 capsules per serving. But you can take more (4 or more capsules) if you are bigger guy or eating a large meal.

It's reassuring to know that in over 70 years of enzyme research, there has been absolutely zero negative side effects found with consuming digestive enzymes, in any amounts.

Quite the contrary - most individuals have experienced significant improvements in health, vitality, and performance with even low dosages of enzymes.

Bottom line, your body needs and wants digestive enzymes!

And as you get older, the more important digestive enzymes become, because most individuals have only 30 percent of their enzyme potential by the time they are 40 years old.

And this study was done many years ago, as reported in Dr. Howell's Book "Enzyme Nutrition”.

Today, enzyme levels could in fact be a lot LOWER, maybe as low as 30 percent at 20 years old, since third generation enzyme deficiency is rampant, and a big reason why North America has 50 percent of the population overweight.

If that is the case, then we all need to be boosting our enzyme levels with a high quality digestive enzyme formula.

And to my knowledge, there’s nothing more powerful right now than Masszymes. It's the one supplement that can actually make your diet and all your other supplements work better... Because you'll actually be able to digest and utilize them, rather than just flushing them down the toilet.

Click Here to get yours ==> Boost Your Gains With Masszymes!
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

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Click Here to see a video demonstration showing how Masszymes break down the high protein food you eat into easily digestible muscle building amino acids. This is serious stuff because without proper digestive enzymes a lot of the protein you eat just passes through your body undigested and ends up in the toilet. However, when you take Masszymes with your meals you can fully digest and utilize all the protein from the food you eat.
Click Here to watch the video and see how digestive enzymes actually work!


Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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