Subject: keto not working? try this instead...

keto not working? try this instead...

May 30th, 2020 at 8:33 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Have you ever blamed your extra weight on a particular food group or macro nutrient? ...ketogenic advocates say that eating carbs make you fat... ...low fat practitioners say that eating ...

Quarantine Weight Gain - it's no joke!

May 22nd, 2020 at 1:41 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Life in lockdown has disrupted all our lives... Not just from an employment, financial, and social interaction point of view - but from a health and fitness point of view... People on soci ...

Is Bulking Necessary to Gain Muscle?

May 20th, 2020 at 11:29 am NDT

Hey Friend, To Bulk or Not to Bulk? That is the question... I just made a video sharing with you my experience with bulking and whether bulking is necessary to build muscle or not. For many people ...

The OG's of the Fitness Industry

May 18th, 2020 at 11:54 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Over 20 years of Fitness, Business, and Life Lessons are jammed into this podcast that I did with my good friend and founder of CriticalBench, Mike Westerdal. Mike and I started in the onl ...

Can't Stop Binge Eating...? 😔

May 14th, 2020 at 6:52 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Can't resist the chips... the cookies... the ice cream? In the best of times it's hard to turn down junk food - but with our current situation it's even harder to say no to the junk food.. ...

Killer Home AB Workout - you gotta try this one!

May 11th, 2020 at 2:59 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Are you looking for a short but intense ab workout to help tighten up your mid-section? If so you'll want to check out this Tabata Style Ab Workout that you can do at home. The best part ...

wanna go for a beer?

May 8th, 2020 at 12:54 pm NDT

Hey Friend, There's just something satisfying about popping open a cold beer after a hard day... For a lot of guys this is a big part of their life, and while enjoyable, it does contribute to getting ...

How To Balance Cardio and Strength Training for Fat Loss

May 5th, 2020 at 4:52 pm NDT

Hey Friend, If you're looking to lose the gut, build lean muscle, and get back in shape... Than you need to know how to balance your Cardio and Strength Training Workouts. I just posted up a quick v ...

Eating Good to FEEL Good...

May 2nd, 2020 at 12:52 pm NDT

Hey Friend,Most people resort to eating junk food and "comfort food" to make them feel better. And there is scientific evidence showing that you can actually "Eat To Increase Your Happiness"... But it ...

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