Mike only started working out at age 56, so it's not like he was a college athlete regaining the ripped physique he had in his 20's.
In fact, he was was a pretty average sedentary 56 year old when he started working out, but by following the Muscle After 40 Blueprint he was able to turn things around and get absolutely ripped in just a few short years 💪
And you can model the exact program Mike did and use this same system for yourself...
Friend just imagine how your life would be different if you were lean, strong, and muscular?
What would be like to feel confident in your own skin and not feel ashamed when you see yourself in the mirror with your shirt off?
What if you had the stamina to run around with your kids (or grandkids) without feeling pain, getting winded or tired?
Imagine how much better you'd look and feel if you lost your gut, got rid of those stubborn love handles, and tightened up your man-boobs?
How cool would it be to wear what you want and not always trying to hide how fat you've become by wearing baggy oversized clothes?
There is a better quality of life waiting for you, but only if you're willing to take action and go after it...
If you'd like to learn more how Mike and several other men in their 30's, 40's, 50's and beyond have gotten in their best shape, just check out this 7 minute video on my website that explains how the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Program works.