Subject: Why Diets Don't Work...

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Are you frustrated when you make "Slow Progress" or "No Progress" with your diet and workout program?

Maybe you start a new diet plan, or a new fitness routine and the results don't happen as fast as you'd like...

How do you respond?

Do you throw in the towel and quit - saying:
"I tried dieting and I tried exercising, but it didn't work for me".

Or do you keep pushing forward?

How you respond when things don't go your way will determine your real results.

Why Diets Don't Work - Video Clip
The key thing you need to realize is that PROPER INPUTS will always lead to PROPER OUTPUTS.

So even if you don't see those instant results that you were hoping for, it doesn't mean you stop putting in the effort. You need to keep pushing forward, trust the process, and let your body respond. Because eventually you will see the fruits of your labor, but very often it's going to take LONGER than you think.

The people who can keep putting in the proper input day in and day out, week in and week out, month in and month out, year in and year out... Regardless of the short term outcome... They are the people who are going to become successful in achieving their muscle building and fat loss goals in the long term.

At that point everyone will be asking you:

- "What are you taking?"
- "What supplements are you using?"
- "Are you on TRT?"
- etc.

When in reality it was just a matter of putting in the work and refusing to quit.

Video Clip: Why Diets Don't Work - and what to do instead...
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)


This was taken from the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Podcast Episode # 2 - "The Fear of Success - How To Overcome the Mental Blocks that hold you back from your Fitness Goals" at:

You can also download and listen to the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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