Subject: Truth About "Rebound Weight Gain"...

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

If you've ever lost weight in the past, only to regain it back again - This Email Is For YOU...

The biggest problem with losing fat - isn't the losing part... Because pretty much anyone can lose weight if they really buckle down and commit themselves.

For example, if you eat nothing but boiled chicken and broccoli and workout 2+ hours per day, you'll lose weight - I guarantee it...

But you'll feel miserable in the process. It's no fun to torture yourself like that. And if you don't enjoy the process, then you won't stick to the plan over the long term.

You know this deep down...

Chances are you've tried extreme dieting in the past, and you "lost weight" over the short term. But you couldn't stick to the plan over the long term. Once the "diet" was over, you went back to your old eating habits, and re-gained all the weight back again.

The "Secret" To Fat Loss Success Is NOT Knowing How To Get Lean...

It's Knowing How To Stay Lean for LIFE!

To show you a real world example of this, just look at the dramatic "Before" and "After" transformation pictures below... These pics were taken exactly 1 year apart…
Dramatic Before & After Pics
Now at first glance most people would be very happy to achieve such a physique transformation. You can see a huge difference between the pics.

But there's just one problem...
My REAL Before & After Pics!
I had dieted down and got ripped for a bodybuilding contest, but after the contest was over, I went back to my old eating habits, and ended up ballooning up to 240 lbs. in the "Fat" after picture…

As many of you know, I'm a former competitive bodybuilder - competing on the local and regional level from 1995 to 2011 and every year I would go through an extreme pre-contest cutting diet. And while that approach works in the short term - it's not sustainable long term...

That's the harsh reality of most fat loss diets...
It's easy to get lean, but very hard to stay lean!

The problem is the ALL or NOTHING trap.

When most guys start a new diet they dive head first in the deep end, go pedal to the metal, and try and force themselves to lose weight as fast as possible... (i.e. following an extreme cutting diet)

It's common to see guys cut their carbs, drastically lower calories, go on some extreme fasting protocol, following detoxes, popping diet pills, fat burners, etc. and then working out for hours on end.

Basically trying to suffer it out over the short term with hopes of losing all their body fat as quickly as possible and hitting their weight loss goal.

But the problem is there is no finish line, this process never ends!

If your diet and exercise program has a START and END date - the results are only temporary.

Once you stop that nose to the grindstone approach - you'll go to go back to your old habits, binge eat on all the foods you've been craving, and set yourself up for a massive rebound weight gain.

Months of dieting to lose the weight, only a few weeks of binge eating to gain it all back again - usually along with a few pounds more than when you started... 😭

After all the suffering and deprivation, now you're back to square one, fatter and more frustrated than ever.

It's a vicious cycle that millions of people go through until they finally get to their wits end and say:

"F#@K It... it's not worth it, I can't stand feeling hungry, I don't care anymore, I'm just meant to be fat…"

Have you ever felt that way?

Does any of this sound familiar?

If so, it's not that you're meant to be fat, or that you can't do it, or you have a slow metabolism, bad genetics, or any of that BS...

It's that you're following the wrong approach 🤔

Instead of trying to force the weight off in some 30 day shred, how about you take it slow and steady and lose the weight gradually in an enjoyable and sustainable fashion over the next 12+ months?

The diet and weight loss industry is NOT going to promote slow and steady fat loss because it takes "Too Long", "Too Boring", etc.

It sounds sexy to talk about fast rapid weight loss, quick fix solutions, and instant gratification. But if those approaches really worked, would we be facing an obesity epidemic with 50% of the population overweight, and 30% obese?

The truth is it doesn't take an ALL or NOTHING Extreme Approach to lose weight, you just have to be "Good Enough, But Good Enough Consistently".

What if instead of trying to overhaul your entire diet and lifestyle from day one, you just focused on getting 1% better each day.

Does the thought of improving yourself by 1% sound extreme, unbearable, or unrealistic? ...Or course not... Anyone can improve by 1%.

A 1% improvement could be as simple as eating an extra serving of vegetables. It could be taking the stairs instead of the elevator. It could be going for a walk on your lunch break instead of sitting on your duff scrolling through your phone, etc.

It doesn't take much effort, and in the moment it's not going to be very noticeable. One healthy meal or one workout isn't going to make you look any different tomorrow.

But small daily improvements will compound over time and lead to massive changes if you are "Good Enough, but good enough consistently" and trust the process.

The time is going to pass by regardless of what you do. But if you follow the right approach you can look back at this moment a year from now and be blown away by how all those little baby steps of progress compounded into life changing results - without feeling like you're suffering in the process.

That's the secret to achieving sustainable life long results.

If you'd like to see a real world example of how to do this for yourself, then I've got something really cool to share with you...

I made a video presentation that outlines the EXACT system that I followed to to lose my gut, transform my "Dad Bod", and get back in shape after 40 without suffering on some extreme low calorie cutting diet.

If you'd like for me to send you this video, just reply to this email with the words:

"Good Enough"

That will tell me that you actually read this and I'll send you the private link to the full video presentation that outlines my Muscle After 40 Blueprint System for achieving a sustainable fitness and fat loss transformation.

Not only have I used this system myself, but I've shared it with hundreds of my personal coaching students - and it's been a life changing experience for those who have applied the system.

Please don't continue to suffer it out with extreme cutting diets that only leave you feeling fatter and more frustrated. Learn how to master your metabolism and live a lean healthy lifestyle once and for all.

I know this was a LONG email, but if it helps just 1 person to make a change, than it's worth it.

I hope you found this helpful, and if you'd like for me to send you that video, just e-mail me... "Good Enough".
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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