Subject: Top 10 Ways to Stay Motivated

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Have you ever gone through a time when you were NOT very motivated to workout and eat right?

I certainly have...
Even though I've been working out for over 20 years, I have to admit that I don't always enjoy it. There have been times when it just feels like a chore to drag my butt into the gym.

And Friend if you have ever felt this way, than today's e-mail is for YOU.

Below you're going to get my top 10 practical tips for keeping yourself motivated to follow through with your workout program so that you can acheive your fitness goals.

Lee's Top 10 Ways to Stay Motivated To Workout


1. Take it slow and steady.

Many people start off their fitness program with lots of enthusiasm - and impatience! They are in a big hurry to get in shape ASAP. So they very often start off doing too much, too soon, and too frequently. This results in excessive muscle soreness, exhaustion, and feeling physically and emotionally drained. That initial burst of enthusiasm can quickly run out once the novelty of working out wears off and you wake up each morning in pain from sore aching muscles. Remember you are in this for the long haul. Just take your workouts one day at a time. Don't try and rush the process, slow down and enjoy the journey.

2. Schedule your workouts in advance.
Make a "workout appointment" with yourself for a specific time and place. Treat this appointment the same as you would any important meeting. Write it down in your daily schedule and commit to it. If you schedule time for your workouts in advance and plan on keeping your word, you're more likely to be consistent.

3. Get a workout buddy.
Having a good training partner can really take your workouts to the next level. Try to find someone who is very serious about working out. Preferably someone who is bigger and stronger than you. This will help motivate you to become bigger and stronger as well.

A good training partner will really help you be consistent with your workouts. When you have a training partner that is depending on you to show up to the gym, it makes it a lot harder to skip a workout. Often times we will do more for others than we will do for ourselves, and in this case it will help both you and your training partner.

But a word of caution, avoid getting a lazy training partner. Your training partner should be someone who motivates you, not someone who drags you down. You are better off training alone than wasting your time with a workout partner who is constantly making excuses.

4. Keep a training journal.

Tracking your progress with a journal is something that every fitness expert agrees on. By keeping accurate records of your workouts you'll be able to monitor your strength and muscle gains. Also keep track of your bodyweight and bodyfat percentage. This will help to not only motivate you to improve, but it will give you honest feedback on whether or not your training and nutrition program is working.

5. Strive to be the best that you can be.
When it comes to gaining muscle and strength the progress comes so gradual that most guys take their gains for granted. For example, I often hear from guys who will go from 150 pounds to 175 pounds in less than a year and then e-mail me complaining that their muscle building program isn't working and that they are a “hard gainer”.

Most times this is because they are comparing themselves to the pictures of the pros they see in the magazines, or to some jacked-up guy at their local gym. Bottom line, there will always be people who are better than you, and people who are not as good as you. So judge your progress based on your own personal improvements, not on how you compare to someone else.

6. Educate yourself.
Read bodybuilding and fitness related books and articles. You will constantly be picking up new tips and training ideas that you can apply to your own workouts. Also watching workout videos is awesome for motivation and it's very educational as well. Reading about training is one thing, but actually seeing it is totally different. Most people learn better with visual examples. It’s much easier to grasp new exercises and training techniques by seeing them being performed, rather then just reading about them.

7. Change your workout.
If your training progress is slow, than boredom is sure to follow. If you find you're bored with your current workout program, then change it. There are lots of unique training programs that you can follow, there is no need to stick to doing the same thing day in, day out. Try something new to add variety to your workouts.

8. Change the gym where you workout.
This one ties in with changing your workouts. Different gyms will have different pieces of equipment, a different atmosphere, different members, etc. this can all help to add variety and fun to your workouts. Simply changing the gym that you workout at can help re-new your motivation to train again.

9. Go watch local bodybuilding and powerlifting contests.
This is really motivating. Nothing fires me up more than seeing a good bodybuilding or lifting contest. You will get to meet other like minded people who are all interested in bodybuilding and weight training. Plus you may get the urge to train and get ready for a local competition yourself. Nothing will motivate you to train hard and stick to your diet like training for a competition.

10. Don't make bodybuilding your life.
And last, but not least. Don't make bodybuilding and working out the whole focus of your life. Have other hobbies and interests outside of the gym. By having other interests and priorities in your life you'll be a more well rounded person. When something is a hobby it is fun and enjoyable. But when it becomes an obsession you usually take the fun out of it.

*Bonus Tip:
11. Join A Support Team.

The key to achieving any worth-while goal is having a support team of like-minded people on your side to help you along the way.
An easy way to join a support team is through an online community such as the Total
Fitness Bodybuilding "Inner Circle" Coaching Club. This is a private members only website where everyone is focused on helping each other to get in their personal best shape.

As a member of the TFB Inner Circle you'll get on-going training and nutrition advice through the workout of the month program, muscle building and fat burning diet plans, and video tutorials. In addition to that you'll also get to chat with myself and the other members, who all share the same fitness goals as you, through our private discussion forum and live video chats.

Having 24 / 7 access to others who have already achieved what you want to achieve will help speed up your results because you can piggy back on their success. Rather than wasting years trying to figure things out by trial and error, you can learn from other people's mistakes, and save yourself time by using the most effective techniques for building muscle and losing bodyfat.

To get more information about becoming a member of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding "Inner Circle" Coaching Club, just visit:

all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

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Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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