Whenever you try to "Bulk Up" and gain muscle size, you probably find that you can gain weight all right - (if you eat enough). But a lot of the weight gained is just excess body fat right around the middle.
Then when you get fed up with "Bulking" - and can't even button up your pants anymore - you start "Cutting" to
lose the excess body fat. But what usually ends up happening is that
you sacrifice a lot of the lean muscle mass you gained while bulking.
is a vicious cycle that has plagued bodybuilding enthusiasts for years.
Maybe you've experienced this yourself or know someone who has.
a very frustrating process and a lot of times guys just get to the
point where they give up on their goal of building a lean muscular
physique and settle for second best.
However, there is a sneaky diet trick - used by competitive bodybuilders - that can literally force your body into building lean muscle, while burning stored body fat at the same time.
Just click on the link below to find out how you can...
==>> How To Bulk Up and Gain Lean Muscle (NOT Fat)