Subject: The Most Powerful Motivator... Negativity 😡

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hi Friend,

Has anyone ever told you...

"You'll Never Get Lean"
"You'll Never Build Muscle"
"You'll Never Get Back In Shape"

Or any variation of those things?

It can apply to all areas of life, not just fitness, you may have heard people say...

You'll Never Succeed In Business, You'll Never Get That Job, You'll Never Get Married, etc...

Now before you get upset and go off the rails with anger and resentment towards these negative people.

You should re-frame the experience and feel grateful... Because having someone say "You Can't..." or "You'll Never..." is actually one of the most powerful motivators!

You'd be surprised to find out that many of world's most successful people, those that we look up to and admire - had people who doubted them and told them that they would never succeed.

Michael Jordan - the most famous basketball player of all time - was cut from his high school basketball team because his coach didn't feel he was good enough.

Elvis Presley - the King Of Rock & Roll - failed in music class. And after his first paying gig, his manager told him, "You ain't goin' nowhere, son. You ought to go back to drivin' a truck."

Stephen King - one of the greatest writers of all time - has a huge backlog of rejected stories he saved in a large crate because his writing wasn't good enough.

Sylvester Stallone - Rocky & Rambo - was rejected by talent scouts over 1,500 times. And at one point he was so broke that while writing the script for Rocky, his electricity was turned off and he was forced to sell his dog for $25 just to turn the lights back on.

While it's nice to have people provide us with positive encouragement towards reaching our goals. It's not nearly as powerful of a motivator as having a negative grudge and wanting to prove someone wrong!

More often than not, having negative people tell you that you'll NEVER do something is actually one of the best things someone can say to you.

Being told NEVER makes the hair stand up on the back of your head.

Being told NEVER will fuel you to work harder and prove the other person wrong.

So, let me tell you... when a fellow bodybuilding competitor looked at my old competition photos, he literally said the most motivating words I have ever heard.

"Lee, YOU will NEVER see your abs again," he predicted.

"Thanks for the motivation," I replied.

I replayed his words over and over in my mind, determined to prove him wrong.

And prove him wrong I did, not only did I get back down to my "competition weight", but I've been able to maintain visible abdominal definition - after age 40 - for over a year - with no signs of back tracking. Thanks to the Muscle After 40 Blueprint.
Muscle After 40 Blueprint
Bottom Line: When someone says you'll NEVER do something - or you CAN'T do something - smile and thank them for giving you the greatest motivational speech of all time!
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

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Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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