Subject: The #1 Mistake Sabotaging Your Fat Loss: STOP DOING THIS TODAY 🛑

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

When you were a kid did your parents force you eat everything on your plate before you were allowed to leave the dinner table? 

If so, you were literally bred to be overfed right from childhood.

From a young age, many of us were taught to finish everything on our plate, a habit ingrained in us by well-meaning parents who wanted to ensure we received proper nutrition.

However, in today's world, there's a growing recognition that forcing children to clean their plates may not be the best approach for their physical and emotional well-being.

By forcing our children to eat beyond what they feel comfortable with, we are literally teaching them to overeat.

If you find it hard to regulate your appetite now, and constantly find yourself eating too much at meals, then you are probably dealing with the consequences of those early childhood habits now in adulthood.

In the video clip below you'll learn a simple hack that will help you reprogram your natural hunger and fullness signals so that you can eat until you're comfortably full without counting calories.

all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)


If you would like some help with a customized fitness and nutrition program to lose your stubborn belly fat, build lean muscle, and achieve a body re-composition. Then you can book in for a one-on-one consultation coaching call with me and we can see if you're a good fit our VIP Muscle After 40 Blueprint Coaching Program.

To schedule your free consultation coaching call, just Click Here

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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