Subject: Spinach (a natural fat burner)

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Do you eat spinach?  If you don't, than you probably should. Especially if your goal is to lose fat and get ripped.

According to a recent study performed at Sweden's Lund University eating spinach can increase fat loss by as much as 50%

In the study, 38 overweight women consumed either a beverage containing 5 grams of spinach extract (made up mostly of the cell membranes from spinach stems) or a placebo prior to breakfast each day.  At the end of the 3 month study, the spinach group lost 50% more weight!

Researchers credit the increased weightloss to an overall decrease in calorie intake as a compound in spinach stems known as thylakoids has been shown to reduce hunger, particularly cravings for sweets and fast food, by up to 95%!

Thylakoids work by slowing down the digestion process, giving intestinal hormones time to communicate to the brain that we are satisfied.

Naturally, if you're feeling more satisfied you won't fall victim to regular snacking on all the wrong foods -- and that means increased fatloss and a flatter stomach for you.

Here are some easy ways to get more spinach in your diet:
(be sure to include the stems)

1. Throw a couple handfuls of spinach in the blender along with your next protein shake.  While it may change the color, it has virtually no taste.

2. If you're into juicing, add spinach to your next juicing recipe.

3. Enjoy a spinach salad or sauteed spinach as part of any meal.

Now, speaking of a flatter stomach, here's some more flat belly research that you're sure to be interested in:  Did you know there's a killer fat loss trick that's been shown in more than a DOZEN research studies to help you burn fat and slim your waist at an accelerated rate?
In fact, one breakthrough study showed that those who did this just twice daily burned 400% more fat than those who didn't.  Another study published in the Journal of International Medical Research showed that those using this powerful flab-burning trick lost 20% of their body fat in just 12 weeks.  And get this... the whole process takes less than a minute to perform!
Would you like to burn 400% more fat by using this quick, belly-busting trick just twice daily?  Click the link below to see exactly how to do it here:
==> Do THIS twice daily to burn BELLY FLAB (takes less than 1 min)

all the best,
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

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