Subject: Progress Pics... getting rid of my "Dad Bod"

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

This week I turned the big 4-0 which is a big milestone birthday and the start of "middle age".

Now if you've been following along with my YouTube videos, than you've probably seen how I'm in the process of "Starting Again" and working on getting rid of my Dad Bod.

You see after the birth of my son Harvey 2 years ago, I let myself go...

Basically I skipped a few too many workouts, ordered a few too many pizzas, and the belly fat just started piling on ever so gradually until it got to the point where I was embarrassed about what I saw in the mirror.

...maybe you can relate to this...

So, I set a goal for myself that I was going to get back in shape for my 40th birthday.
Now I'm certainly not contest shredded by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm A LOT better than where I started from.

The left pic was taken back this spring when I was around 220+ pounds. 

The right pic was taken this afternoon at 205 pounds.

My goal is to get my bodyweight down under 200 pounds with visible abdominal definition.

Now the reason I'm doing this is not just for me, but to hopefully inspire YOU to take action and get in your best shape as well.

And the best part about this is that I'm not killing myself in the gym, and I'm not going hungry either.

I'm simply training smarter and making better food choices - and doing so consistently... that's the kicker, consistency!

As far as the workouts are concerned, I'm only averaging 3 gym sessions per week.

And I'm not following any crazy diet.

In fact, I'm not even counting my macros... Not that there's anything wrong with counting your macros, but I just like to enjoy the freedom of sitting down to a meal without having to measure every forkful of food I put in my mouth.

My strategy is just making smarter food choices and filling up on quality protein, veggies, complex carbs, and good healthy fat...

Basically I wanted to see if I could make progress without going to extremes of working out everyday, or eating a restrictive low calorie / low carb diet - and so far it's working!

Friend, if you'd like some help with losing fat and getting in shape without having to go to extremes. Just click on the link below and we can hop on the phone for a quick chat to discuss an action plan that's right for you.

all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

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Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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