Subject: Podcast # 33 - GET FIT Without Breaking The Bank

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Would you like to get fit without breaking the bank and going broke?

If so, you're in luck because in this episode of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Podcast
you're going to learn how to workout, eat right, and get in shape for literally pennies on the dollar. 

I know sometimes it may seem that achieving a high level of fitness is only a luxury for the rich, but it's absolutely possible to get in killer shape without spending a fortune. 

From how you can literally get free workout equipment, and free gym memberships, to knowing where to get the best bang for your buck when buying high protein foods we've got you covered.
How To Get Fit On A Budget
Podcast Episode # 33
GET FIT Without Breaking The Bank - Fitness On A Budget


Here are the time stamps for the money saving tips covered in the podcast...
1:40 - Fitness On A Budget - How To Get Fit Without Going Broke.
2:55 - The Poverty Diet.
3:39 - What's More Important - Training OR Nutrition?
6:50 - The Minimalist Home Gym Set Up.
8:42 - How Jeff Got A Home Gym for FREE.
9:55 - The $40 Home Gym on Amazon.
14:00 - My Facebook Marketplace Home Gym.
16:00 - How I got a FREE Gym Membership.
18:37 - The Muscle Beach Gym.
19:37 - Saving Money On Bodybuilding Nutrition.
21:21 - True Story - Not being able to afford food.
24:09 - Save $$$ at Local Farmers Markets.
27:00 - Healthy Eating For The Whole Family.
31:55 - Real Lessons Don't Get Taught - They Get Caught.
32:37 - Buying Fresh - VS - Frozen.
33:37 - The Avocado Guy and his $7 Avocado.
38:03 - Getting High Quality Protein For Pennies On The Dollar.
41:31 - Local Community Fitness & Nutrition Programs.
50:37 - The Truth Is NOT Sexy.


You can listen to the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Podcast on:

Apple iTunes Podcasts.

Just search for "Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Podcast".
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

If you would like some help with achieving your very own fitness and physique transformation in 2025 check out this video: How To Lean & Muscular This Year.
Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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