Subject: No Time to Exercise? Start with 10 minutes…

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
I have no time to exercise (12-hour days, 2-hour commute, four kids, home chores). I just don't have time to go to the gym and I'm looking for suggestions?

I can totally relate to not having enough time to workout. I admit that just a few years ago I fell into a similar trap myself.

After I stopped competing in bodybuilding and became a father I never had the time - nor the motivation - to keep up with 2+ hour long workouts, 6 days per week, and it didn't take long for it to show...

One skipped workout turned into a week off from the gym... And I'd keep telling myself:

"It's ok, I know what to do, I'll get back on track on Monday"

But for some reason "Monday" kept getting pushed further and further back and I was always too busy, too tired, and kept procrastinating.

If you're a busy parent, working full time, have have an endless To-Do list you know what it's like... It's easy to justify putting off going to the gym and taking time for yourself so you can take care of everyone else's needs.

Before I knew it I didn't even recognize the fat guy looking back at me in the mirror. Here I was with a 40+ inch waist and a gut that stuck out further than my chest. Far cry from the former competitive bodybuilder that I used to be.
Lee's Muscle After 40 Before & After Pics
During this time I was still working as a fitness coach and making videos for my Total Fitness Bodybuilding YouTube Channel - teaching Fitness & Nutrition.

...but I wasn't even following my own advice...

My online followers started calling me out on it too...

I remember reading the comments on my videos...
Nasty Comments...
That's it, I Had Enough... It was time to make a change!

I remember I was watching a YouTube video by Stan "Rhino" Efferding and he was talking about doing 10-minute walks and the benefits of short frequent cardio workouts for fat loss, improving digestion, and improving insulin sensitivity, etc. 

After watching Stan's video, it really got me thinking about just how little exercise it actually takes to make a noticeable difference.

You see, as a former competitive bodybuilder I was guilty of falling for the
ALL or NOTHING trap…

Thinking that if I couldn't follow the perfect workout program and give it 100% - than what's the point of doing anything at all.

I had developed a mental block thinking that if I never had at least 2 hours to go to the gym "I didn't have enough time to exercise".

But that's a crock of BS...

Doing something is always better than doing nothing and that's a lesson I had to learn the hard way.

The truth is you don't have to be perfect - you just have to be:

"Good Enough, But Good Enough Consistently".

Another way of putting it is strive to be consistently good - rather than occasionally great.

Sure, it's awesome when you can do a 2 hour workout at the gym. But if you can't, it doesn't mean you just sit on your ass and do nothing.

You can always do something!

I started going for little 10 minute walks throughout the day. Literally just putting on my sneakers and walking up the road for 5 minutes and then turning around and walking back. It was so simple, quick, and easy - yet I felt really good afterwards!

I found that just the act of getting my ass out the door was the hardest part. But once I got outside and started walking, I'd sometimes end up going for 15 or 20 minutes or even more because I actually enjoyed being outside and it felt good.

However, at the start of each walk I mentally told myself that I only have to go for 10 minutes. And there were lots of 10-minute walks, but about half the time I'd end up doing a 20-minute walk or more!

I Know This Sounds So Simple - and it is!

It was a Big A-Ha moment for me when I finally realized that even if I didn't have 2 hours during the day for exercise, I could still take advantage of those little mini blocks of time that I did have throughout the day.

10 minutes before work, 10 minutes on my lunch break, 10 minutes after work, 10 minutes in the evening after dinner, etc. This was time that I was probably wasting just sitting on my arse and scrolling through social media on my phone, or channel surfing through the TV.

I kept it very simple and started with just going for 10 minute walks. But after a month I added in doing 10 minute body weight workouts at home - push ups, bodyweight squats, crunches, etc. Then I got a set of resistance bands so I could add in bicep curls, rows, shoulder presses, etc.

If you don't think you can get a good workout in just 10 minutes, then I encourage you to try it for yourself...

Do a circuit of push ups and bodyweight squats and alternate them back and forth. Literally do a set of push ups, then do a set of squats, rest 30 seconds, and repeat. Keep going for 10 minutes and I'm telling you it will be a very challenging workout. But you can do it anywhere, with zero equipment, and it only takes 10 minutes!

Everyone has got 10 minutes throughout the day that they could use better - even YOU...

Heck, if you're taking the time to read this email right now, then I'm willing to bet you've got 10 minutes LOL

How To Get Started Doing 10 Minute Workouts...

Friend I challenge you to make time today to get outside for a 10-minute walk.

Just start with that and don't over think it... 

The hardest part of exercising is just getting started, and if you make the task of starting very small (i.e. a 10 minute walk) it reduces that mental friction of trying to motivate yourself and debating whether or not you want to exercise...

Just do it and you will be finished before you know it. 

There's really no excuse. You can even do your 10 minutes on a cardio machine if you don't want to go outside. If you have a bike, treadmill, or elliptical at home - that can count towards your mini 10-minute workout. Anything thing that keeps you moving for 10 minutes is good.

Once you build the habit of doing short frequent workouts into your routine, you can always expand on them and make them more challenging. But just get started with 10 minutes TODAY!

Please, let go of the mental block that a workout has to be time consuming and difficult in order to be effective, because it doesn't.

You’ll be amazed at how doing mini 10 minute workouts can compound over time and make a dramatic difference in your health and fitness.

Just imagine what would happen if you did a 10 minute walk and a 10 minute bodyweight workout each day for the next year? 

I know it doesn't sound like much, and it's not, but those little workouts can make a substantial difference when the results get compounded over time.

Who knows, by doing mini 10 minute workouts this could be the start to your "Muscle After 40 Transformation", just like it was for me!

If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just watch the video at the link below to find out how my Muscle After 40 Blueprint Students are building lean muscle while losing their guts and enjoying the process.

all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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