Subject: Live Q & A replay posted

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Just wanted to give you a heads up that the replay of our most recent LIVE Q & A has been posted up on the Total Fitness Bodybuilding YouTube Channel.

Every Friday afternoon at 4:00 pm EST time I go LIVE at: and answer any questions that you may have about building muscle, losing fat, nutrition workouts, supplements, and strategies for helping you to get into your best shape!
LIVE Q & A with Lee Hayward
The replay from our last Q & A has been posted here.

Here are the topics discussed during the video chat:

00:44 – We just finished another successful "Lose Your Gut" challenge group - full review of the challenge and how it went.

04:10 – How you can join the next "Lose Your Gut" challenge?

Viewer Q & As:

05:40 – Can weight on the scale drop but not your waist measurement?

08:13 – Will you ever do a bulking or weight gain challenge?

11:55 – [Viewer Comments: Discussed] YouTube needs to fix their algorithm. You deserve more views man; you are barely getting a thousand views on your videos. You deserve better and you work really hard, It’s sad.

14:13 – ​Would you do another collaboration with Elliott Hulse?

14:41 – ​[Viewer Comments: Discussed] Eating no protein powder and not eating breakfast. Just having coffee, first thing in the morning, then 30 minutes before the gym, creatine and my strength is great.

19:34 – My weight's going down but my belly is not, and I'm drinking wine. Any suggestions?

22:36 – I know it doesn’t matter when to take creatine, but to me, the only results I see is when I take it pre-workout. Any explanation why this is?

25:00 – ​What are the benefits of the deadlift? Is it worth doing as you get older? A lot of people say you should not be "squatting the weight up" but Olympic lifters lift like this in a "clean style". Is it wrong?

28:21 – I'm already 31 years old and still want to continue lifting heavy. How will I make sure that I can still lift heavy enough in the long term? Maybe 50 years or 60 years? Your thoughts?

33:10 – [Viewer Comments: Discussed] I enjoyed doing the "Lose Your Gut" challenge, learned a few new things along the way. Good stuff.

34:09 – [Viewer Comments: Discussed] The first video that I ever watched of you was the complete chest workout that you uploaded 11 years ago with Trish. I was 15 years old back then and you are a legend, God bless you.

34:49 – ​How much sodium per liter of water must bodybuilders take?

40:14 – On creatine, it says you need to drink 8 glasses of water. Is that right?

42:14 – Do you highly recommend beetroot as a pre-workout?

44:29 – Do you think throwing around dumbbells in the gym is only for the bros, not for the ectomorphs?

44:46 – The head of the American cardiology recommends vegan diets for all aspects of health including athletic performance. What's your opinion on that?

46:33 – Should the average dad just trying to get in shape, try incorporating bodybuilding speed, power, and athleticism through plyometrics, Olympic lifting or just focus on regular lifting and cardio?

48:13 – ​As an Endomorph, how much harder is it to get shredded as opposed to other body types?

51:44 – Do you only recommend WPI (Whey Protein Isolate)? I've heard WPC (Whey Protein Concentrate) is junk.

53:55 – ​What's your take on a full-body push-pull routine? Push-pull days with that leg work on the appropriate days.

54:20 - Is Hammer Strength your favorite brand of lifting equipment and machines? I find they're better than most other brands, especially the leg press.

55:02 – Do you train any abs on separate days or do you recommend skipping it as you train core indirectly through squat and bench and deadlifts?

56:35 – ​Any tips to minimize loose skin after weight-loss?
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)


If you would like some help with a customized fat loss fitness and nutrition plan?

If so - then you can apply for a Free Strategy Session Coaching Call and we can brainstorm some ideas and action steps to help you get in your best shape.

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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