Subject: Less is MORE...

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

It's your "Over 40" muscle building coach Lee Hayward here and I'm writing you today from sunny Florida :-)

The purpose of this trip was to attend a fitness business mastermind event to help improve my skills as a fitness & nutrition coach - so that in turn I can help more guys like you build muscle, lose fat, and get in shape.

I'm a big believer in the Japanese concept of Kaizen - which means constant never ending improvement.

Even though I've been working out since 1990 and have 29 years of training experience under my belt... I still invest in coaches and mentors to help me become the best version of myself, I'm committed to being a life long learner.

One key themes that kept coming up during the fitness mastermind event that I attended this past weekend was that "Less Is MORE".

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with how fast things are changing?

In the fitness industry we're bombarded with new stuff all the time. Each time you go online there's a new fitness app, new workout program, new diet trend, new supplement, new exercise machine, etc...

If you google "How To Build Muscle" or "How To Lose Fat" you'll get a gazillion search results. And instead of taking action on those results, most guys feel even more overwhelmed, more confused, and end up not doing anything.

Can you relate to this? I sure can…

I actually feel thankful that I started working out back before the days of the internet because information came at a much more manageable pace and it was so much simpler back then.

Back in the "good old days" I'd get a workout or diet plan - and actually follow through with it from start to finish.

Very few guys do that anymore, they end up jumping from one program to another without giving the first one a chance to actually work.

This week it's high intensity strength training, next week it's metabolic conditioning circuits, and the following week it's going to be something totally different.

The same applies with nutrition - one week carbs are good, next week carbs are bad, and the following week you're going on some crazy vegan detox... It's gotten ridiculous!

How did the concept of eating right and exercising become so darn confusing?

If you feel that you're stuck with your fitness and nutrition program and don't know what to do, here's 3 simple tips to get you moving in the right direction.

#1 - Exercise every single day...
This could be going to the gym for a weight training workout, it could be as simple as going for a walk, it could be doing a bodyweight circuit routine, it could be going for a bicycle ride, etc. But every single day you must exercise and make it a habit you don't break - just like getting a shower or brushing your teeth - it has to become apart of your regular everyday routine.

#2 - Eat Clean 90% of the time...

Every time you eat a meal, focus primarily on lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. Those are the foods that will fuel muscle growth, improve your health, and speed up fat loss. Now this doesn't mean that you can never enjoy yourself and have a "cheat meal", but 90% of the time you should stick to natural unprocessed foods.

If you need help with your diet, than I recommend downloading a copy of my free report called "Bodybuilding Nutrition Made Simple"

#3 - Think Long Term…
When it comes to getting in shape - most people "overestimate" how hard it will be, but they "underestimate" how long it will take... Just chew on that thought for a moment.

If you want to build muscle, lose fat, or whatever - you don't have to kill yourself in the gym and you don't have to limit yourself to eating nothing but boiled chicken and broccoli. You can actually structure a diet and exercise program that you enjoy.

But you have to be willing to follow it for the long term. Getting in shape doesn't happen in a few weeks, or even a few months. It has to be something you do for the rest of your life. Real change happens when you make that mental shift from thinking about fitness as some short term goal, to thinking about it as your lifestyle.

...Would you like some help?

If you would like so
me help with structuring a proper fitness and nutrition program for long term change, than just visit my website at the link below and we can chat about a realistic action plan that's right for you.
all the best,
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

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Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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