Subject: Last Day to Save 50% - Black Friday Promo Ends Tonight!

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Quick reminder that TODAY is your Last Chance to take advantage of the Muscle After 40 Blueprint VIP Coaching Program Black Friday Sale - which ENDS TONIGHT - Monday November 29 @ 11:59 pm Easter Time!

If you are a man over the age of 40 who's ready to "Start Over" for the last time and finally claim the lean gains you deserve... Without Punishing Your Body... Then the Muscle After 40 Blueprint might be right for you.

Over the past several years I've personally helped hundreds of guys to lose their gut, while building lean muscle, and getting in their best shape - without feeling like they're suffering it out on a low carb diet or spending endless hours in the gym.

Instead of resorting to the extreme "ALL or NOTHING" crash diet approach, like most people do - we focus on doing the opposite... Getting LEAN by staying FULL.

Rather than obsessing over what "Bad Foods" you need to avoid and drastically cutting your calories to starvation levels... We focus on filling your belly with high volume nutrient dense foods, so you're never hungry, and always leave the table feeling satisfied.

This approach allows you to build a lean muscular body, with energy to burn, feel confident in your own skin - and do so while actually enjoying the process!
Black Friday Sale Ends Today!
The Muscle After 40 Blueprint VIP Coaching Program is by application only. I only accept guys who are serious about making a permanent change and becoming one of our "Before" & "After" success stories in 2022.

If that's you, then below and book in for a FREE 10 Minute Strategy Session Call with me.

On our call we'll brainstorm some ideas for how you can lose the fat, build lean muscle, and see if you're a good fit for the program.

If I honestly feel that I can help you, then I'll let you know. And if I can't, then I won't BS you, but I will offer some suggestions to experts or resources that can help you.

Either way, at the end of our Strategy Session Call you'll walk away with more clarity about what you need to do next in order to move in the right direction towards building the body you want.

My vision is to help YOU become a "Before" and "After" success story, just like I helped the guys below...
Jeff lost 65 pounds and got 6 pack abs!
Jacob went from Fat to Ripped in only 5 months!
Matt got back in his all time best shape with the Muscle After 40 Blueprint!
Bill lost 116 pounds and came off all his medications!
Craig lost 45 pounds and got abs for the first time in his life!
Steve lost over 100 pounds in just 1 year!
Jeff lost over 100 pounds and did so without dieting.
Friend, If you don't want to be fat anymore and are ready to make a change - then book in for your FREE Strategy Session Call ASAP because spaces are limited.

To take advantage of the Black Friday 50% Off Special, you need to act now!

Tomorrow this offer will end and we're increasing the coaching program prices in January. So this is the best time to come on board and become our next Muscle After 40 "Before" and "After" success story in 2022...

all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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