While you're waiting for the perfect time to start, the clock keeps ticking away... And here you are still stuck in the same place, and you're not getting any younger...
The truth?
You could have already been down 20, 30, 40 or even 50+ pounds by now.
You could have been putting on your old clothes that you keep holding onto with the hope that some day you'll fit back into them again.
You could have had more strength, energy and feel confident in your own skin.
But instead, you're sitting here, trying to shake off the guilt of how much you ate over the past couple of days.
Let me ask you, how bad does it have to get before you'll finally decide to make a change?
If you value your health and fitness and want to set a positive example for your family - you need to start sooner than later.
But unfortunately, most guys just wait until it's too late and the damage is done before they decide to make a change.
If you keep procrastinating, your health & fitness is only going to get worse... It will not magically get better on it's own.
The Muscle After 40 Blueprint Coaching Program is designed for hard working family men. Guys who have spent most of their lives providing for everyone else - while putting their own needs on the back burner. So, I understand if the thought of doing something for yourself is a big decision. But rest assured that we'll work with you, your schedule, and situation to plan out a realistic action plan that works for you. While providing ongoing support, accountability, and guidance to ensure that you make your fitness and fat loss goals a reality.
And for this weekend only you can take advantage of our BLACK FRIDAY Muscle After 40 Body Re-Comp Promotion and get the opportunity to experience the life-changing impact of the Muscle After 40 Blueprint VIP Coaching Program at a fraction of what it typically costs.
When you come on board with our BLACK FRIDAY promo you'll instantly get FREE coaching for the month of December where I'll personally take you through my "Holiday Fat Loss Survival Guide" where you can lose up to 5 pounds between now and Christmas while still enjoying your favorite holiday meals.
This will lay a solid foundation and build positive momentum leading into the New Year. And after that you'll get HUGE savings off our regular customized coaching program packages. To learn more, just visit my website at: https://www.leehayward.com/black-friday |