Subject: It's happening "Lose Your Gut Challenge" - full details...

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hi Friend,

Last week I asked if you would be interested in participating in my FREE 5 Day Lose Your Gut Challenge to show you how to escape the yo-yo dieting trap, optimize your nutrition, and master your metabolism so you can get lean for summer!

The response...


Right now we have 100 guys lined up and ready to go!

So the doors are officially closed and we'll be kicking off the challenge this Saturday, March 8th.
Lose Your Gut Challenge - Starts This Weekend...
Now if you are one of the lucky 100 guys who got accepted, you should have already gotten an email or private message from me personally welcoming you into the challenge.

So this is what's going to happen...

On Saturday March 8th, The "Lose Your Gut" Fall Challenge will kick off.

Just a heads up, this is not some passive challenge where you'll just sit back, relax, and watch from the sidelines...

No, No, No... You'll be expected to actively participate 💪

Each day of the challenge there will be an accountability task that you "must" complete by 11:00 pm that night in order to stay in the challenge!

Now to put your mind at ease, these daily tasks are well within your capabilities. Even if you're a total beginner, even if you don't have a gym membership, even if you don't know how to 'count your macros', etc. you'll still be able to participate.

However, the challenge will push you outside of your comfort zone, and that's where you need to be in order to create lasting change.

Simply sitting and passively watching doesn't do anything, you actually have to participate.

Just think about it...

How many fitness YouTube videos have you watched, how many workout programs have you seen, how many nutrition books and articles have you read, etc.

My guess is A LOT...

So why are you still struggling to lose your gut and get in shape? Because watching passively doesn't create change!

To give you an example, if you want to learn how to swim are you going to watch videos of other people swimming? Are you going to listen to podcasts about swimming? Are you going to read books and articles about swimming?


You only learn how to swim by getting in the water! 🏊‍

And that's exactly what we're going to do here with the 5 Day Lose Your Gut Fall Challenge... We're going to dive in the water so to speak and take action, that's the purpose of the daily accountability tasks.

And just a heads up, not all 100 guys who start this challenge will finish. In fact, I'm willing to bet that at least half will not make it to the end.

So if you know up front that you're not committed to doing this for 5 days, and you're just curious to see what it's all about, please do everyone a favour, and let me know now so I can remove you from the Lose Your Gut Challenge. Then we can let someone else take your spot who is more committed.

I know it may sound harsh, but I'm NOT interested in wasting my time with tire kickers. I'm 100% committed to showing up everyday and coaching you during the 5 Day Challenge - so if you're not willing to meet me half way, show up and give your 100% commitment - just quit now and let someone else take your place.

But if you are 100% committed to following through with this, than make sure to keep an eye on my Facebook Page for further updates with the 5 Day Lose Your Gut Challenge.

I can't wait until we officially kick it off on Saturday March 8th at:

all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)
Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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