Subject: How bodybuilding competitors go from "lean" to "ripped"

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Now that spring is here a lot guys are coming out of hibernation from "winter bulking" and switching their training focus to losing fat and getting ripped for the summer.

And to help you with this process, I'd like to share an interview that I did with a friend of mine, Mike Westerdal from

In this interview we dive deep into the topic of strategic fat loss, specifically with how it relates to a pre-contest bodybuilder transitioning from - Off-Season Bulking - To getting Lean & Muscular - and then taking it all the way to getting Contest Ripped.

How bodybuilding competitors go from "lean" to "ripped"

Lee Hayward Fat Loss Interview
Even though the primary focus for this interview is around fat loss for bodybuilders and physique athletes, the principles and strategies that you'll learn about can be applied to anyone who wants to get a leaner physique - regardless if you are a bodybuilder or not.

Just click on the link below to listen into the interview and get some killer fat loss tips and tricks that you can use to get your physique "beach body" ready for the summer! 

How bodybuilding competitors go from "lean" to "ripped"
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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