Subject: How To Get In Shape without Willpower

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

If you're struggling to follow through with your Diet & Exercise Program...

You're not alone!

The truth is that 95% of people who start a diet and exercise program will end up failing and quitting their program in frustration...

Going back to their old bad habits, and regaining the weight back again - usually along with a few pounds more!

This is the classic Yo-Yo Diet syndrome that millions of people go through every year.

A lot of times when people reach out to me for help with their fitness and nutrition they'll say:

"If I only knew the best workout routine with the exercises, sets, and reps... If I only knew the perfect diet with all my calories, macros, food choices, and meal timing... If I only knew the right program then I'd get in shape."

I'm sorry to say this... But That's A Crock Of BS!

The problem isn't that you don't know what to do...

It's that you can't get yourself to do what you know you should be doing - and to stop doing what you know you shouldn't be doing.

All the "tactics" in terms of diet plans, exercise routines, etc. that you need are already out there. Just do a quick google search and you'll get thousands of workout and nutrition programs...

You literally have access to all the information there is!

So why aren't you following it? 
How To Get In Shape without using Willpower!
To give you a prime example, just think of someone who wants to quit smoking...

The actual tactics involved with quitting smoking are ridiculously simple. All you have to do is stop putting cigarettes in your mouth - that's it - pretty basic stuff.

So why is it so hard for most people to quit?  

Because it's NOT about the tactics, it's about YOU...

Most people try to rely on brute force, motivation, willpower, and suffering it out to get results...

But you've already tried that in the past, only to give up in frustration after a few weeks or a few months.

Motivation and willpower never lasts long term, eventually you're going to run out of both and cave into your old habits.

In order to create lasting change you need to reprogram your habits and psychology so that you actually follow through and do the tactics automatically - without having to rely on conscious effort, discipline, motivation, and willpower.

In this video you're going to discover a simple frame work and proven strategies for how you can start to reprogram your mindset and habits to actually do the things that you want to do and to help you avoid the bad habits that are holding you back - so you can start making progress towards reaching your health, fitness, and fat loss goals - and more importantly - how to sustain them for life!
==>> How To Get In Shape without using Willpower! -- "Must Watch"
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)


If you would like some help with a customized fat loss fitness and nutrition plan, then you can apply for a Free Strategy Session Coaching Call with me to brainstorm some ideas and action steps to help you get in your best shape. Book in for your Strategy Session Call Here.
Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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