Subject: Get my Muscle After 40 Body Re-Comp Plan...

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

For those of you who are anticipating my BLACK FRIDAY MUSCLE AFTER 40 BODY RE-COMPOSITION PLAN, here's a bit of the story behind why I'm releasing this insane offer ONE TIME THIS YEAR!

Now, I know that's a big promise.

But I can deliver results - so hear me out for a few minutes & read this entire email or you'll miss your chance before it goes away. Let me explain:

Just a few years back, I had a serious problem - not with getting in shape - but STAYING in shape...

(i.e. losing my gut & actually keeping it off over the long term)

Without going into the full drama, I'll quickly share what happened...

I've been competing in bodybuilding since 1995 - and during that time I've been through numerous pre-contest "cutting diets" in preparation for bodybuilding competitions.

I would muster up extreme levels of will power and dedication to suffer through a pre-contest cutting diet for several months at a time - but once the contest was over and the pressure was off - I'd always resort to my old habits.

Then I'd try and justify my ever expanding waistline by telling everyone that I was "Bulking Up" because it was the off-season...

And my so-called "Bulk" would continue until next year's competition rolled around and I'd start yet another pre-contest "cutting diet".

It was Yo-Yo Dieting at the extreme end of the spectrum - ballooning up and down year after year with every competition I did.

After I stopped competing in bodybuilding and became a father I never had the time (or the motivation) to spend endless hours in the gym.

And I couldn't stand the thought of going on another "cutting diet" and eating boiled chicken and broccoli out of Tupperware Containers.

It didn't take long for it to show...

👉 It became easier to pick up the phone and order a pizza than it was to meal prep...

👉 One skipped workout turned into a week-long break from the gym...

👉 And I'd try to justify it by saying that I'm just extra busy - I'll get back on track "On Monday"...

All those little decisions started to add up, even though I "knew better", I wasn't doing what I knew I should do... 🤥

I fell into the "ALL" or "NOTHING" trap, and the problem with that is you rarely get it "ALL" and more often than not you end up with "NOTHING".

It got to the point where I didn't even recognize the fat guy looking back at me in the mirror... 🫣

I was disgusted and embarrassed with how far I'd let myself go...

Here I was overweight with a 40+ inch waistline and a gut that stuck out further than my chest.

The crazy thing was I knew what to do with regards to diet and exercise to get ripped.

And as a fitness and nutrition coach - it's my job to help people get in their best shape - yet here I was - the fat out of shape coach who couldn't even follow his own advice... 🫥

All this time I was still making YouTube videos for my Total Fitness Bodybuilding Channel and I can remember reading the comments where people would say:

"Who the hell is this Fat F*%ker giving fitness advice?"

Those comments stung with the bitter truth because I certainly didn't look the part of a bodybuilder, or a fitness coach, and I wasn't practicing what I preached.

If you have ever followed a low calorie fat loss cutting diet to lose weight - but ended up regaining it all back again - then, you can probably relate to what I’m talking about.

It's one thing to "Know What To Do", but knowledge without implementation is useless.
You need to have a realistic step-by-step system that makes it easy to do what you know you should do and actually enjoy the process so you can sustain it as a lifestyle.

A lot of people can muster up extreme levels of will power and suffer it out for the short term - and get incredible results...
But everyone has their threshold of how much suffering they can take before they break.

Once you run out of willpower (which every one does eventually) and return to "normal eating" the re-bound weight gain is vicious and you’ll quickly regain all the fat you lost - and usually a few pounds more in the process.

The end result is you ultimately get fatter with every diet you do!

But what if there was a way to have a happy medium where you could stay lean and healthy without suffering from the ups and downs of Yo-Yo Dieting?

There had to be a better way...

I was desperate to figure this out - not just for me - but I wanted to set a positive example for my son Harvey.

I don't want him growing up with a fat out of shape dad and thinking that it's ok to neglect his health and get fat and then suffer the consequences later in life.

My mission now is to lead by example and teach him how to live a healthy and active lifestyle - while enjoying the process. I want to be his real life role model for health, fitness, and success.

But I'm going to be upfront…

I really wanted to change and I knew the answer wasn't going to be found in some magic pill.

So over the past several years I've committed myself to studying from some of the smartest minds in fitness, nutrition, and psychology...

I've literally spent over $30,000 of my own money expanding my fitness and nutrition education - hiring coaches and mentors, attending seminars & workshops, along with studying numerous books and online courses to try and figure this sh!t out once and for all.

I became obsessed with cracking the code on how to create a sustainable and realistic habit based approach to healthy eating, exercise, and living a balanced lifestyle - that you actually enjoy...

Instead of resorting back to the old school suffer it out and don't be a pussy approach of hardcore bodybuilding "cutting diets" - which never last long term.

✅ The first step to making this new transformation was to let go of the "ALL or NOTHING" mentality.

✅ Now I just focus on being "Good Enough, But Good Enough Consistently".

✅ I no longer stress myself with trying to have the "perfect diet" - In fact, I don't even like to use the word "diet" anymore because it is associated with short term deprivation and not long term lifestyle change.

✅ These days I focus on being better than I was before and striving to get 1% better each day (i.e. marginal gains).

✅ Gone are the days of extreme calorie restriction, cutting out entire food groups (i.e. carbs), avoiding social situations, boycotting family dinners, and staying away from restaurants... Those things are all very important parts of my social life and I don't want to give them up.

✅ No more spending endless hours in the gym 6 days per week. Now you'll only see me at the gym 3 days per week tops.

✅ Instead of constantly obsessing over what "bad foods" I have to avoid - I'm doing the exact opposite - focusing on what healthy foods I need to ADD to satisfy my hunger, fuel muscle growth, and optimize my metabolism...


I'm eating LOTS of food - things like lean proteins, fruits, veggies, dairy, healthy fats...

And yes even CARBS!

By eating a well balanced diet like this I'm able to eat until I'm comfortably full at each meal - while avoiding the emotional ups and downs - and I've been able to safely lose the fat, gain lean muscle, and do so without feeling like I'm depriving myself.

It's a brilliantly simple system, yet so powerful 💪

After just 1 year of following this new sustainable approach I was able to lose my gut, get visible abdominal definition (not contest shredded by any means) but good enough by most people's standards - and good enough by mine.

And I've been able to sustain it for the past 4 years! 😎

And while I'm not the biggest, strongest, or most ripped guy in the gym - as far as my 6 year old son Harvey is concerned - I've got muscles like the HULK and he looks up to his dad like a real life super hero 🦸‍♂️

It feels so liberating.

If you haven't experienced that liberating feeling yet.... Just wait until you experience it.
After years of testing this out on myself and several of my personal coaching students -- I have something truly amazing to show you.

So right now, to celebrate this life changing discovery I've been struggling with for over 20 years... I am doing something incredibly unique for a few select people who get in EARLY before we launch the BLACK FRIDAY MUSCLE AFTER 40 BODY RE-COMPOSITION PLAN.

If you're excited to see what I have planned to help you to help you lose your gut and keep it off for life, then be on the lookout for my future emails so you don't miss out on this ONE TIME INSANELY GOOD OFFER.

I'm also giving away a FREE - BODY TRANSFORMATION ASSESSMENT to those early bird action takers who reach out message me TODAY.

All you have to do is email me back with the words "BLACK FRIDAY" and I'll send you all the details...

all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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