I had dieted down to 195 lbs. in the "Before" ripped picture, but after the bodybuilding contest was over, I went back to my old eating habits, and ended up ballooning up to 240 lbs. in the fat "After" picture...
This is the harsh reality of most fat loss cutting programs!
It's easy to get lean, but very hard to stay lean - long term.
Sure, you can get ripped by starving yourself and doing endless hours of cardio...
(i.e. following the typical bodybuilding "Cutting Diet")
But It's NOT Sustainable...
No one wants to be a slave to extreme diets and endless cardio forever!
If you would like to finally figure out how to live a healthy lifestyle that doesn't involve going through the extreme UPS and DOWNS of Yo-Yo Dieting. And how to have a healthy relationship with food so you can enjoy your meals, not feel hungry, and still achieve your fat loss goals.
Then check out the video below...
This video will show you the 3 things that you "MUST" do in order to achieve a lasting fitness and fat loss transformation, without having to resort to starvation diets or extreme workout routines in the gym.