Hey Friend,
Sometimes the best exercises you can do are also the most basic, and that's the case with the "Farmers Walk".
The Farmers Walk (aka Farmers Carry) is one of the simplest exercises you can do. But it's also very effective for building real world functional strength throughout the traps, back, core, forearms, grip, hips, thighs, calves, and ankles.
They really pack a punch by providing a killer total body strength & conditioning workout.
You can do farmers walks with dumbbells, kettle bells, farmers walk handles, heavy buckets, sandbags, suit cases, or whatever... Basically you just grab the weights and go for a walk.
However, to get maximum benefit without hindering your other exercises, do the farmers walk at the end of your training session. This way when your hands are fatigued and go to mush it won't hinder the rest of your workout.
I just posted a video showing how to do the Farmers Walk that you can check out below...