Subject: Do THIS next workout for massive muscle growth

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

The other day I shared the #1 mistake men over 30 make in the gym that's crushing your muscle gains and shrinking your testosterone levels...

Today I want to give you a killer technique I've been using to help me pack on some serious size over the past couple months...

It's also kept my workouts short and efficient... (which is a bonus).

You see... I used to be a "marathon-lifter"... working out for almost 2 hours on some days.

Which was "okay" back then...

I was in my early twenties so my testosterone levels were at an all-time high. I was single. Living at my parents house. And had no major responsibilities.

If that's you... long workouts aren't the end of the world.

Yet if you'd call yourself busy...

And struggling to put on the muscle your deserve...

And you want high and healthy testosterone levels for years, even decades to come... this is for you.

Try this technique next time you go to the gym...

Step 1) Pick up a weight you can get 20-25 reps with (hitting failure somewhere in that range)

Step 2) After performing the set, rest 35 seconds. During that time add just enough weight to the same exercise to "fail" at 8 reps. Complete the set.

Step 3) Wait 10 seconds. Then perform one more set to failure (you'll probably get 2-4 reps).

BOOM. You're done with the exercise!

And I guarantee you'll have the same pump most guys work at least 30 mins for...

However, you'll get it from the very first exercise ;-)

all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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