Subject: (CLOSING TONIGHT) Anabolic Reload Top 10 List

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Bad news, Friend...

You read that correctly. The 80% OFF Introductory Sale on the Anabolic Reload system is closing down at midnight tonight...

And today is your FINAL opportunity to join over 357 other men who have taken advantage of the most cutting-edge muscle-building protocol proven to help you pack on pounds of rippling muscle and hulk-like strength regardless of your age...

WITHOUT spending hours in the gym... or performing dangerous high-risk workouts.

I got a copy of the Anabolic Reload Program for myself, and I have to say that I'm quite impressed with it. I'm looking forward to giving this a go for my next training phase.

Steve Holman really knows his stuff, he helped bring the Positions Of Flexion Program mainstream back in the 1990's. If you've been following my YouTube videos and workouts, than you know I'm a huge fan of P-O-F training for complete muscle development.

The Anabolic Reload Program is a science based system for stimulating new muscle growth, without having to lift excessively heavy weights, and place unnecessary strain on your joints, tendons, and ligaments.

That's what I find very appealing about the program, because as I've gotten older I can't lift as heavy as I used to in my 20's... And if I try to, I'll end up pulling or straining something and setting myself back with injuries.

So Friend if you're still on the fence...

Here's 10 reasons to begin Anabolic Reload for your next workout:

1. You'll pack-on massive amounts of muscle in LESS time

Leading muscle scientist, Brad Schoenfeld PhD discovered the best training frequency to build muscle FAST is not 4-6 days per week like most bodybuilder workouts in muscle magazines make you believe...

All you actually need is 3 full-body workouts per week. That's it.

And with the right exercise combinations and techniques you can build more muscle in half the time as 99% of other guys.

2. You'll ramp up your testosterone levels

Most guys have no idea their workouts are sabotaging their testosterone levels.

Testosterone is your #1 muscle building hormone. Without it, you'll just spin your wheels in the gym and fail to gain the muscle you crave.

Because at the end of the day... the man with the most natural testosterone experiences the greatest results.

And instead of being like most guys who are killing their t-levels for the sake of a "good workout"... you can train smarter, not harder and enjoy massive muscle gains with thriving t-levels.

3. You'll maximize muscle fiber activation for insane growth

The secret to building muscle mass is maximal muscle fiber recruitment. The more fibers you work during an exercise, the more muscle you develop, period.

There are two types of muscle fibers. Fast twitch and slow twitch.

Most muscle programs only work one muscle fiber at a time in a set.

However, with STX sets you can combine fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers in a single, extended set for insane growth.

=> FINAL CALL: 80% Off Anabolic Reload Sale Closes Tonight at Midnight (today only $15 - tomorrow price jumps to $97)

4. You'll Build muscle using less weight

Another benefit of using STX sets... you can lift less weight, while tricking your muscles to grow in strength and size as if you were lifting a 1-3 rep max. It's that powerful.

Best part... you won't have to crush your spine or joints under unbearable heavy poundages that set you up for a lifetime of pain and injury...

Possibly an expensive doctor bill... and in extreme cases even death, according to the scientific journal, Cardiology.

And there's nothing that kills your results and motivation faster than an injury.

5. You'll burn fat and pack on lean muscle at the same time

You'll experience it yourself from the very first workout. The routine and exercise combinations inside Anabolic Reload are specifically designed to have you growing around the arms, chest, back, and legs... while you shrink around the waist.

So you can enjoy that perfect V-Taper look worn by men's health cover models and buffed up Hollywood actors...

That effortlessly command the attraction of the opposite sex... and will have your partner's eyes light up with lust.

I hope your woman isn't the jealous type because you'll be getting more attraction from the opposite sex than you may have in years... possibly decades.

6. Pile on more muscle in months than most guys can in a lifetime

I'm not exaggerating here... Anabolic Reload has been proven, with real life testimonials to help guys pack on up to 11 pounds of rock-hard muscle in 8 weeks... NATURALLY.

Imagine that... leapfrogging the other guys in the gym and building a stronger, more powerful, attention-grabbing physique in record time.

Now... I'm not saying these workouts are equal to taking roids.

However, the results are lightning-fast... so much so, I guarantee strangers, even your closest friends will be whispering behind your back and wondering if you're on the "sauce."

=> FINAL CALL: 80% Off Anabolic Reload Sale Closes Tonight at Midnight (today only $15 - tomorrow price jumps to $97)

7. You'll WIN the priority puzzle

You'll no longer feel like a circus clown juggling your work, relationships, and fitness goals.

In fact... you can spend less time in the gym than you imagined possible.

And you'll achieve a jaw-dropping physique, balance your relationships, and glide up the corporate ladder... WITHOUT feeling overwhelmed or guilty for spending time in the gym.

8. Bonus "Bodyweight Anabolic Reload" gift to you

When you pick up a copy of Anabolic Reload today you're also going to receive a complete, done-for-you bodyweight version of the program.

Meaning, you can discover how to pack on mass using the same techniques in Anabolic Reload WITHOUT dumbbells or barbells.

This FREE Bonus is perfect for guys who just want to perform bodyweight style workouts or if you can't make it to the gym and would like to continue building muscle, even from home.

9. You've got 60 days to try it out…

It's risk free and a no-brainer...

If this isn't the best muscle-building program you've tried to date... and you're not 100% happy with the growth of your muscle and strength over the next couple of months...

Simply let me know and you'll get a full refund. No questions asked.

What's the risk in trying a cutting-edge new program PROVEN to pack on inches of mass in weeks?

10. You get to experience all of these results above and so much more starting TONIGHT for an 80% OFF Discount...

However, tonight at midnight, the doors are shutting on this 80% off Anabolic Reload sale and the price bumps back up to $97...

Which... it's worth far more than $97... especially when you experience the life-changing and body-transforming benefits of the program...

Yet why not pick it up for just $15 bucks while you still can?

Listen up... the only way to get Anabolic Reload on sale is to get it today. One second past midnight and you'll miss out...

Here's your chance to add a KILLER muscle-building and testosterone boosting workout to your routine... So you can build a rock-solid physique that's pumping with testosterone starting TODAY.

all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)
Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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