Hey Friend,
If you struggle with building muscular calves, this one is for you...
Pretty much all guys would like to build bigger more muscular calves.
Well developed calves really help to balance out your leg development
and enhance the overall look of your physique.
And nobody wants
to have “Chicken Legs” with muscular thighs stacked on top of skinny puny calves.
When it comes to building Huge Calves,
your genetics play a big part. There's no denying it, some folks just
have been genetically blessed with massive calves, and in some cases
they don't even workout!
I know you probably hate these people…
And then there are some folks who workout regularly, bust their butt
in the gym, follow a strict diet, take their supplements, etc. and it
seems like they can't add an inch of muscle to their calves if their
life depended on it.
If you can relate more along the lines of the second group, then you need to check out my most recent video...
Got Bad Calve Genetics? Watch This...