Subject: Avoiding the Puffy Bloated Look...

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

It's your muscle building coach Lee Hayward here and I was just having a discussion with one of my "Inner Circle" Coaching Club members about how to avoid the puffy bloated look that often comes about when following a high calorie bulk up eating plan.

Here's the problem...

I am a new member and I've been following a weight gaining bulk up plan (eating high protein and high carbs) for several weeks. I have successfully built up some size in my chest, back, biceps and triceps. However, in the same time my face has gotten fatter.

Is it possible to lose fat in the face while at the same time gaining muscle?"

And here's the solution...

Now when it comes to bodyfat you can't pick and choose where you gain or lose fat from. There really isn't a special diet or workout plan for losing "face fat", besides going under the knife and getting plastic surgery.

Generally when you bulk up and gain weight your face will also fill out more. And vice versa, when you diet down and lose weight your face will also lean out.

During a high calorie bulking diet gaining a bit of meat on your cheeks is to be expected, but there are some things that you can do to help minimize the appearance of a bloated fat face.

With your diet, choose natural unprocessed foods over processed foods as much as possible. This can be a big issue when guys are following a bulking diet as they usually focus mostly on calories and macro-nutrients. But the sources of those calories do make a difference.

With your protein intake try to avoid processed meats and choose real fresh cuts of meat instead. For example, avoid things like deli meats and frozen chicken breasts that are loaded with sodium and fillers that can cause water retention and make your face and skin look puffy.

With your carbohydrate foods choose natural sources of carbs like oatmeal, potatoes, yams, rice, fruits and vegetables. Try to minimize processed carbs like breads, baked goods, crackers, chips, sweets, etc. as they can cause excess bodyfat and water retention.

Reduce your consumption of milk and dairy products. All dairy products contain lactose which very often causes bloating and puffiness in the skin. Infants and children naturally produce more "lactase" which is the digestive enzyme that's needed to break down lactose in the body, but as we get older our bodies naturally produce less lactase and this is why so many people develop a lactose intolerance as they age.

You should also supplement your diet with high quality digestive enzyme supplement. Digestive enzymes are one of the most powerful, yet under rated supplements out there because they help your body to digest and absorb the nutrients from the food you eat.

Not only will this help prevent bloating, gas, and puffiness... But it will also help enhance your lean muscle gains as well because your body will be able to digest and utilize more of the food you eat.

When it comes to digestive enzymes you do get what you pay for, and the cheaper brands that are often found in the drug stores and grocery stores are very often so under-dosed that they have little if any real benefits.

But one brand that I use personally and recommend is Masszymes these digestive enzymes are specially made for a high protein bodybuilding diet plan.

Right on their website you can see a time lapsed video showing just how powerful these enzymes are for breaking down solid food protein into easily digestible amino acids.

If you give these tips a try for yourself I bet you'll not only feel better, but you'll reduce a lot of that bloated puffy fat face look as well.
all the best,
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

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Click the link below to see a time lapsed video showing just how powerful Masszymes are for breaking down solid food protein into easily digestible amino acids. This will not only reduce gas and bloating, but it will make more of the protein you eat readily available for building lean muscle tissue. Click Here to see the video...


Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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