Subject: Advanced Positions Of Flexion Workout

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

It's your muscle building coach Lee Hayward, and I want to let you know that there is a new workout program added to the Total Fitness Bodybuilding members website for you to download.

Advanced Positions Of Flexion
<<--new workout program

Positions of Flexion is one of my all time favorite bodybuilding workout programs. I like this workout so much that if I were limited to following just one single workout program for the rest of my training days - this would be it right here!

Positions Of Flexion means that you'll be training each major muscle group through the different "positions of flexion". Starting with a mid-range exercise, then moving on to a fully stretched exercise, and finishing with a peak contraction exercise. Each position will stimulate different aspects of the muscles for complete development.

To give you an example of how this works; let's look at a typical P-O-F Chest Workout…

The Bench Press is an example of a mid-range exercise. The reason it's a mid-range exercise is because most of the tension is in the muscles during the middle portion of the lift. You won't get a deep stretch in the bottom portion, and you can lock it out at the top. Mid-range exercises are usually big heavy compound lifts.

The Dumbbell Fly is an example of a fully stretched exercise. When you do dumbbell fly's you feel most of the tension in the bottom portion of the lift when your arms are extended out to the sides and your chest is fully stretched. But as you lift the weights up it actually gets easier and you feel less tension on the muscles right up to the point where you can lock it out at the top.

The Pec Deck Fly is an example of a peak contraction exercise. Even though you move your arms in a similar way as the dumbbell fly, the stress on the muscles feels totally different. With the pec deck the tension is greatest at the top of the movement. You have to squeeze your chest hard in order to hold the handles together at the completion of the rep. You can't lock it out at the top and get a little break.

You can follow these guidelines for most of your major muscle groups, but not all muscles can be trained perfectly with P-O-F.

For example:
With your deltoids there really aren't any fully stretched exercises. But your deltoids will indirectly get stretched as secondary muscles with your chest and back workouts.

With muscles like the traps, abdominals, calves, and forearms the typical exercise range of motion is often so small that you can't always differentiate between what would be a mid-range, fully stretched, and peak contraction move.

So just keep that in mind. Not every body part can be split up into mid-range, fully stretched, and peak contraction moves. But that's ok, as long as you work your major muscle groups in the different ranges of motion you'll still reap the benefits of this style of training.

Click Here to login to the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Member's website and download the New Advanced Positions Of Flexion Workout.
all the best,
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

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Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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