Subject: 6 month 'Before' and 'After' transformation

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

While many people have neglected their health and fitness over the past year due to lockdown restrictions, some people have done the complete opposite and used this past year as an opportunity to prioritize their health and fitness even more!

That's exactly what Steve Patterson has done:

==>> How Steve Patterson Lost 70 pounds in 6 months!

Back in November of 2020 Steve was tipping the scales at over 260 pounds, hit rock bottom, was suffering from a lot of stress at home, and was dealing with that stress with alcohol and junk food.

Finally he had enough, he wasn't happy with the direction his life was headed and decided to turn things around and make a change.

That's when Steve signed up for my FREE 5 Day Lose Your Gut Challenge back in October of 2020... That was the decision that changed his life forever.

Over the past 6 months Steve has lost over 70 lbs. and has totally turned his health, fitness, and life around. He's literally a new man inside and out and enjoying the process!
How Steve Lost 70 lbs. in 6 months!

I promise you'll get some valuable insights and nuggets of wisdom that will help you get back on track to becoming the best version of YOU.
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)


If you would like some help with a customized fat loss fitness and nutrition plan, then you can apply for a Free Strategy Session Coaching Call and we'll brainstorm some ideas and action steps to help you get in your best shape. Book in for your Strategy Session Call Here.
Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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