Subject: 5 "Short-Cuts" to building more muscle

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

These days it seems that everything needs to be bigger, faster, and stronger. Going to the extreme is the norm. Everything from extra strength headache pills, to energy drinks, and high speed Internet.

Bottom line is that people want change and they want it now!

When it comes to bodybuilding things are no different we want results ASAP.

The desire to build a better body unites all bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts, but for most of us, the muscle gains come too slow and they never come easy. So we look for shortcuts.

Over the next several e-mails you're going to get 5 of the most common workout "Short-Cuts" and we're going to pick them apart to see if they really work, or if there is a better plan of action.

Here's part 1 of 5...

Muscle Building Shortcut # 1 – Training More Often

A lot of aspiring bodybuilders think they are not training enough and fall into the more is better mentality. After all more workouts must mean more muscle, Right?

It is not uncommon to find less experienced (but over enthusiastic) bodybuilders spending more and more time in the gym. Daily workouts become the norm and the length of those workouts gradually gets longer and longer. They think they are doing themselves good, and sometimes even brag about how they go to the gym and workout every single day.

Is there a better way?

Your body has limited recovery abilities and can only grow so fast. Training a muscle again before you have fully recovered from your previous workout will eventually lead to overtraining. A good general rule of thumb is to only work each bodypart once or twice per week and to take at least 2 days per week off from weight training entirely. This will give your body time to rest, recover, and grow.


Keep your eye on your e-mail inbox for tomorrow's e-mail because I'll be sending you the 2nd part of the 5 "Short-Cuts" To Building Muscle.

You don't want to miss this one because it explains the process of progressing from beginner, to intermediate, and onto an advanced lifter.

all the best,
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)
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