Subject: 30 x 30 New Year's Fitness Challenge

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

A couple days ago I shared a simple New Year's Fitness Challenge to exercise 30 minutes a day, for the next 30 days...

I'm curious to know if you actually did follow through and have been exercising for 30 minutes a day?

And if you didn't, it's ok - you can still Start Today!

Every year people around the world make New Year's resolutions to reach their goals, improve their health, and better their lives. But less than 10% actually keep with them.

The main reasons for failure include:

- setting unrealistic goals

- setting too many goals

- not keeping track of your progress

- and simply forgetting about your goals

That's what I like about this simple New Year's Fitness Challenge - Exercise for 30 minutes, for 30 days, that's it...

No need to make it anymore complicated than that.
30 x 30 New Year's Fitness Challenge!
It's simple, pretty much anyone can do, it's measurable, it's very flexible (any type of exercise counts), and it doesn't take long to complete.

Now we could go all hog wild and set a dozen different goals:
"Cut your carbs and give up booze. Hit the gym with brand new shoes. Give up smoking and never chew. Pay your bills before they're due..."

And while setting a bunch of goals and having big ambitions may sound impressive, it ultimately sets you up for failure.

When you have too many things on your "To Do" list, you'll often end up doing nothing.

But if you have 1 key thing to focus on, it's much easier to actually do it.

This is how I coach my students in the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Coaching Program.

Instead of trying to overhaul your entire diet and lifestyle from Day 1 - we just focus on getting 1% better each day.

By working on improving 1 key habit at a time you'll prevent that feeling of getting overwhelmed with trying to do too much, too soon - which eventually leads to quitting in frustration.

The truth is you don't need to be perfect to make progress, you just need to be a little bit better than you were before. Strive for progress over perfection.

Look for the low hanging fruit and those tiny action steps that you can start doing TODAY that will move you in right direction towards achieving your health and fitness goals.

For most people, doing some form of daily exercise is one key action step that can make a HUGE difference.

When you exercise it helps set so many other positive actions into motion on the subconscious level.

For example;

- After you exercise you'll be more motivated to follow it up with a healthy meal.

- You'll want to drink more water to quench your thirst.

- You'll naturally sleep better and want to go to bed earlier so you'll have the energy to exercise the next day.

- You'll have more mental clarity, less brain fog, and your energy levels will improve.

All of these things will start to happen automatically as a healthy side effect from taking 1 simple action - doing 30 minutes of exercise.

So, if you're up for a realistic and achievable NEW YEAR's Fitness Challenge - give this one try...

Exercise for at least 30 minutes per day for the next 30 days.
(The New Year's 30 x 30 Exercise Challenge )

You can do any type of exercise you like - weight training, cardio, body weight, stretching, yoga, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, martial arts, fitness classes, you name it...

Ideally you would include different forms of exercise (i.e. strength training one day, cardio the next, etc.) But the most important thing is building the habit of being the type of person who shows up everyday no matter what...

80% of success is just showing up, and by doing this challenge you'll be building the habit of showing up consistently.

If you're up for the challenge - let me know by replying to this email with the words:

"30 x 30"

all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)


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