Hey Friend,
If you're really honest with yourself, chances are there are some areas of your life that you'd like to change or improve...
Maybe it's your health & fitness, your relationships, your finances, or some other personal goal that you're working towards.
One of the best ways to go from where you are now - to where you want to be is to take some time to ask yourself these 3 deep thinking questions.
You'll want to grab a pen and paper for this and take some notes.
Note: I'd recommend going old school and actually getting a pen and paper, rather than typing this out. There's just something powerful that happens when you put pen to paper.
This exercise is so simple, yet very powerful, and can help you get clear on what you need to do in order to reach your ultimate goals.
You ready to do this?
OK, let's go... Question # 1: What is your current situation right now?
If we're talking about your physical fitness; what is your bodyweight, body fat percentage, pant size, strength, endurance, etc ?
If it's your health; what's your cholesterol, your blood pressure, your blood sugar, etc ?
If it's your finances; how much money are you currently making, how much do you have in savings, have in investments, etc ?
Question # 2: Where would you like to be?
How much would you like to weigh? What body fat percentage do you want to be? What size pants would you like to fit into? How strong do you want to be? etc.
How much money do you want to make? How much do you want to have in savings? What investments do you want to have? etc.
Would you like to get in a relationship (or out of bad one)?
Do you want to get married (or divorced)? Be specific.
Question # 3: What obstacles are preventing you from doing what you want to do? Why aren't you at the weight you want to be? Why aren't you making as much money as you'd like? Why don't you have the relationship that you want? etc...
These 3 questions will give you clarity. And clarity equals power.
Because if you know your current situation, and you know where you'd like to be in the future, and you also know what's preventing you from getting there - then it's just a matter of taking action to remove the obstacles or find another way around them.
When I realized this, it changed my life.
For example, I've struggled with my weight most of my life. I've got endomorphic tendencies and was the stocky kid growing up. I'm NOT a naturally lean person. If I'm not careful, I can get fat very easily.
This is what drove me to start working out and eventually entering bodybuilding competitions from 1995 to 2011. I'd use competitions as a motivator to push me to get in shape. And it did work - in the short term...