Subject: 👫Your Second Communication BONUS Is Here

Hi Friend,

I'm trusting you had a look at the webinar,
"Communication Catastrophes" and that
you're seriously taking on the homework.  

Some people listen to this webinar, get
upset and resigned about the poor quality
of their communication and give up,
saying to themselves "this is just too difficult".

That's just a trick of the mind to keep you
inside your status quo and is NOT to be
listened to.

No matter how messy your communication,
you CAN clean it up.

Frustrated people ask me..."How?  How can
I get a handle on this...before I even realize it
...I've slipped up yet again!".  

The way you do this is you keep practicing

(Don't make it any more complicated that
what it is.) 

Remember the story of Victor Frankl wrote a
famous book called Man's Search For Meaning.

In this book Frankl tells the story how he got
"freedom" in a concentration camp and how
he realized that no matter what the circumstances,
at the end of the day he still had choice.

This is what Frankl said: 
"Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

I promise you with practice, before you even
open your mouth you will notice that the space
between stimulus and response that Victor Frankl
was talking about will get bigger and will
occur more frequently.

This is where you will notice that you have a

The question then becomes "what will you choose?".

You cannot do this by simply knowing about it HAVE to practice.

IF you want to clean it up, that is. 

So...have you been practicing?

I sure hope so. 

Your Second Communication Bonus:

Marshall Rosenberg (1924 - 2015) was a guy
who grew up in a rough Detroit neighborhood
and became very interested in communication
and creating peaceful alternatives to the
violence he witnessed.  

He developed a famous model of communication
called "Non Violent Communication" also
known as "Compassionate Communication".  

This model has been introduced to and used by
American gangs, war torn areas such as Rwanda,
Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Sierra Leone and Northern
Ireland ...just to name a modest sampling. 

My second communication BONUS for you
called "It's An Inside Job: Keep Your
Communication Clean To Avoid Conflict"
and is based on this model.

This BONUS is a five part audio and each step
has a worksheet that you can follow along with:

Introduction:  A brief review of the physiology
of the limbic system and how an "amygdala hijack"
affects us.

Length: 10:58

Step 1 - Fact vs Interpretation: How
to keep your communication grounded
in reality & why you should do this.

Length: 24:10

Step 2: Feelings vs Thoughts:  How
to distinguish between the two as a
gateway to empathy.

Length: 16:04

Step 3:  Acknowledging Your Needs
& Wants:  Taking full responsibility
for your own feelings and needs.

Length: 11:14

Step 4:  Expressing Clear Clean
Requests: How to make a request
actionable thereby grounded in reality.

Length: 13:21

I know you are going to find this series

I'm confident there will be a few things
in here that you have not heard of or
thought quite like this before....enjoy!

To Your Greatness!


Inner Sync Systems Inc, 2322 Woodview Dr. SW, T2W4X6, Calgary, Canada
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