Subject: Hey thanks!!

Hey thanks!!

May 14th, 2019 at 12:09 pm MDT

Hi Friend, Thank you for comingout to our info sessionlast night. You were such a greatcontribution last night. I really thought you gave Jacquie a LOT of valuablefeedback. It makes a hugedifference for some of these gals that are reallystruggling, t ...

See you this evening!

May 13th, 2019 at 7:16 am MDT

Hi Friend, Jason and I are looking forward to meeting you this eveningfor: "How To Improve CommunicationWith Your Spouse..." You're going to learn a LOTabout WHY you're havingdifficulty in your communication, See you there: Click here OR the addr ...

What a woman REALLY wants!

May 11th, 2019 at 8:05 pm MDT

Hi Friend, While you're waiting forthe live event,"How ToImprove CommunicationWith Your Spouse" Ithought I'd give you something in the meantime. We know men and womencommunicate differently, don't we? What I hear most oftenfrom women is, "Hedoesn't g ...

This helps women "be heard" by men.

May 10th, 2019 at 6:38 pm MDT

Hi Friend, The other day I gave you a link to a guide giving exact pointers on "HowTo Listen To A Woman" in hopes of making it clear about what the heck is going on when a woman says to her guy, "you're not listening". If you didn't see that guide, ...

What a woman REALLY wants!

May 9th, 2019 at 4:55 pm MDT

Hi Friend, I just wanted to remind you about the event youregistered for: "How To ImproveCommunication With YourSpouse", happening at 6:30pmon May 13th at the LymphBalance Centre, While you're waiting, Ithought I'd give you somegreat information. W ...

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