Subject: What a woman REALLY wants!

What a woman REALLY wants!

June 5th, 2019 at 11:02 am MDT

Hi Friend, We know men and womencommunicate differently, don't we? What I hear most oftenfrom women is, "Hedoesn't get me... I don'tfeel heard ... he doesn'tlisten..." In this email I'm goingto give you clarity about what's going on. Sociolinguist D ...

What a woman REALLY wants!

June 5th, 2019 at 10:06 am MDT

Hi Friend, We know men and womencommunicate differently, don't we? What I hear most oftenfrom women is, "Hedoesn't get me... I don'tfeel heard ... he doesn'tlisten..." In this email I'm goingto give you clarity about what's going on. Sociolinguist D ...

Women LOVE this!

May 30th, 2019 at 8:14 pm MDT

Hi Friend, Women really DO lovethis! While you're waiting forthe info/training: "How To ImproveCommunication With YourSpouse", happening at 7pm on Monday June 3rd at the LymphBalance Centre, I thought I'd give you somegreat information. We know men ...

What a woman REALLY wants!

May 23rd, 2019 at 3:19 pm MDT

Hi Friend, Get the guide below. While you're waiting forthe info/training: "How To ImproveCommunication With YourSpouse", happening at 7pm on Monday June 3rd at the LymphBalance Centre, I thought I'd give you somegreat information. We know men and ...

This will work for you!

May 16th, 2019 at 5:21 pm MDT

Hi Friend, Thanks for comingout to our info sessionon Monday ... it wasgreat to have you there. I sure hope you speakto your husband aboutthe possibility of youtwo doing the retreat. Everything you said last night about the thingsyour husband says to ...

Hey thanks!!

May 14th, 2019 at 5:19 pm MDT

Hi Friend, I just had a really great idea based on what yousaid last night when youshared how it is talking about your feelings. I have never quite heard itarticulated like you didlast night. Women are very puzzled about why men don't talk in the sam ...

Would you like to know about the next one?

May 14th, 2019 at 3:04 pm MDT

Hi Friend, Thanks for your email. Sorry you couldn'tmake it to last night'smini workshop on "How ToImprove CommunicationWith Your Spouse". If you are interested: We will be having anothermini workshop/info sessionon June 3rd at the same place but fro ...

Next mini workshop in June

May 14th, 2019 at 2:55 pm MDT

Hi Friend, Thanks for your email. Ah yes, unexpected thingscome up for sure. I hopeyour daughter is feelingbetter. We will be having anothermini workshop/info sessionon June 3rd at the same place but from 7-9pm, I can send you the link (oncewe set it ...

Thanks for coming!

May 14th, 2019 at 2:32 pm MDT

Hi Friend, Thanks for comingout to our info sessionlast night ... it wasgreat to have you there. I sure hope you speakto your husband aboutthe possibility of youtwo doing the retreat. Everything you said last night about the thingsyour husband says t ...

Thank you!

May 14th, 2019 at 12:55 pm MDT

Hi Friend, Thanks for comingto our info sessionlast night. It was great to have you and Jesse there, sharingyour experience. Couples (and people) likeyou two are an inspirationfor others and I love thatJacquie heard what you both had to say. I sent J ...

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