Subject: Friend, you really CAN make it better!

Hi Friend,

So many women have phoned me 
absolutely desperate, seriously 
worried about how much longer
they can put up with the frustration
and disappointment they are feeling
regarding the state of their marriage.

We women HAVE to have a decent 
connection with the men we live with
 ... we just have to ... it's in our DNA.

And over time, it's more painful for us
women to be living under the same roof 
completely disconnected, than it is to
split and live under a different roof. 

For us women, separation can easily 
be the better of two evils.

But did you know that most men can
stay and go along "forever" with the same 
existing state of affairs ... listening
to you make your case for how it's not
working ... listening to you clearly
tell him what you want ... all the while
it seems you never see the changes 
you're desperate for as he grows more
and more out of touch.

Here's what I know about men.

Your man is related to communication and
relationship VERY differently than you.

He hears what you're saying but he is
very reluctant to change when he 
doesn't fully understand what to DO.

But wait ... haven't you been telling him
what to do or at least you think you've
been doing this ... but have you really
been doing this in a way that makes
sense to HIM?

I say probably not ...and the reason is
you've been speaking to him as though
he's a woman and you haven't realized

I have spoken to each and every man
before coming into our "Between Men
and Women" Couple's Communication
Retreat, since 2008 .... so that's 100's
of men.

They pretty much say the same thing...
...they want it to work ... they want you to
be happy in the marriage and yet they
DON'T get the whole picture .. they are 

They don't know why women are so
dissatisfied ... they don't get what's going
on with women ... they don't know what
women want.

Honestly ... as a woman you get it.
You could and would put in place what 
needed to be there very quickly ...
.... but not your husband.

He doesn't operate the same way when it
comes to relationship ... in fact ... he's 
relatively clueless when it comes to you
as a woman ... he doesn't understand 
you so really, how's he supposed to get
it right?

Maybe you've tried telling him ... but
haven't you noticed, he doesn't listen
to you ...

...not really. 

He hears what you're saying but he's just
not "getting" it and you're really starting
to think there's something seriously
wrong with how this is going for you two.
Either he is really "stupid" or he just 
doesn't care.

You KNOW he's not stupid ...  therefore ...

Okay ... so here's what works for men and
here's what will work for your husband ... works when someone who is totally 
not invested that is a 3rd party ... that 
is not interested in blame ... that KNOWS 
how confusing it is for him ... to flat out
in a very simple yet straight forward 
fashion, tell him EXACTLY what is going
on with you as a woman... tell him exactly
what to do AND why he has to do it this

In other words, your husband has to be
told this stuff on HIS terms  ... in a way
that HE will understand and not be 
resistant to....and this doesn't happen
in a couple of hours...that's why we take
2 full days to make sure you BOTH 
understand what's been going on and 
how to make it right

I explain to him who you are as as a
woman  ...what you need ...what you
want and why, from one angle ... then I
repeat it from a slightly different angle ...
then I rephrase it yet again so that likely
for the first time in his whole marriage
  ... he REALLY gets it.

Men do very well in our retreat and so
would your husband.

Even though he might be cautious at
first, once we got going he'd be listening
intently and leaning in just like all the 
other guys that came before him.

Here's what Curtis Shanahan, Warehouse
Manager of Airdrie, Ab said of his retreat:

“I am leaving this weekend with an 
understanding of my role as a husband 
and man that I never imagined I would

I thought I was doing everything right,
and that my wife was pushing me away.
I now understand the power I possess 
in my relationship, family and life.
This has reconnected me to the positive
feelings I have towards my wife. She
deserves better from me, and I intend 
to give her just that. Thank you!”

Here's what Peter DuBeau, General
Manager, Banff Ab said about his retreat:

"This retreat was the single most 
important thing that saved our 

And if you want to know exactly how
the retreat would handle what you are
personally dealing with, set up a 
"no obligation" call with me and I'll tell
you exactly what I see ... no strings 

You can have a different result but you
will have to do something differently.

No one mentors men when it comes to
women, but I've been doing just that for
almost 15 years.  

Let me mentor your husband in such a
way that he will totally learn what it is that
motivates you, what you want from your 
marriage and how to give it to you.

Our next couple's retreat is happening in
Canmore on March 23-24th and then
again in Canmore on April 27-28th.

All registrations happen with me over the 
phone ... Call me at 403 455-9351 to get
you and your spouse registered.

To Your Greatness!

Donna Tosky
Couple's Love Coach
403 455-9351

Inner Sync Systems Inc., 2322 Woodview Dr. SW, T2W 4X6, Calgary, Canada
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