Subject: Can you stop a fight in it's tracks?

Can you stop a fight in it's tracks?

June 2nd, 2019 at 5:16 pm MDT

Hi Friend, Just a reminder thatour live event "How ToImprove CommunicationWith Your Spouse" ishappening tomorrowat the Lymph Balance Center, 7pm-9pm ,12100 Macleod TrailUnit 707, Calgary. ***************************While you're waiting I want to talk ...

This helps women "be heard" by men.

May 30th, 2019 at 8:20 pm MDT

Hi Friend, The other day I gave youa link to a guide giving exact pointers onHowTo Listen To A Woman, in hopes of making it clear about what the heck is going on when a woman says to her guy, "you're not listening". If you didn't see that guide,you ...

🌈Congratulations, Friendyou're in!

May 21st, 2019 at 11:13 am MDT

Hi Maureen, Oh yes... this is great youare coming together. Partners that have attended together have told me afterwards that they BOTH got their own "ah -ha" moments. This is what I'm aiming for. My fundamental message is that we men and women are ...

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