Subject: Thanks

Hi Friend,

Thanks for getting back to
me to let me know you folks
weren't going to make it
last night ... I appreciate 

It's too bad you couldn't
get a sitter .... I wished you
were there with us yesterday.

I'm certain you both would 
have gotten value from the

Of course, I don't  know your
situation but what I DO know
and spoke about last night at
the event, is that 8 out of 10 
couples are struggling with
their communication ...

...and this is taking a HUGE
toll on family life ... in all 
I also spoke about how 
when we are struggling
in our marriage, the problem
seems larger than life and
can be all consuming ...
...especially with men.

You guys are all about fixing
stuff ... making things work ...

... and when things aren't
going well with your wife,
you literally feel yourself
going down at the knees
and it has a BIG impact
on your production and
your career.
I'm certain you know 
exactly what I'm taking

I once coached a fellow 
that was a salesman
for a well known large
Canadian company.

The guy was in a panic.

The president of his
company called him
on the carpet because 
he went from Western
Canada's consistent 
top producer ...
... to the bottom of the
rung in a matter of
3 months.

He was hard pressed to
tell his boss his marriage
was falling apart.

Marital breakdown brings
it's own cost to business.

More time off work, increased
physical illness due to stress,
higher incidents of depression.

The bottom line is ...  unhappily
married employees decrease

The guy was really concerned
for his future with this company
given what was going on in his
personal life.

Communication breakdown of
course, has a big impact on
women as well but it doesn't
impact a woman in quite the 
same way that it impacts a
man's production.

Another guy I coached, told me
he couldn't even think straight
when it was real bad at home.

He was a business owner and
he told me how much it
impacted his ability to run

Since the 80's there's been a 
lot of research in the area
of marriage. 

This research shows that couples
are waiting 6 years longer 
than they should to get 

After the main part of the
training last night we told
people about our "Between
Men And Women" Couple's
Communication Retreat that
is happening April 27-28 in
Canmore and then again 
May 24-25 in Calgary.

We offered a special bonus
to anyone that registered 
between now and next week.

Let me know if you want to
hear more about it and if it's
something you're interested
in registering for, I'll extend 
you the special deal.  

We are only taking 7 couples
in our April retreat and we
have room for 2 more couples.

Let me know if you're interested
...  want to see if it would be a 
good fit for you and your wife ...

... or if you have any other
questions or concerns about

I'd be glad to have a conversation
and talk to you about it ... of
course, no obligation. 

To Your Greatness! 

Couple's Love Coach
403 455-9351

Inner Sync Systems Inc., 2322 Woodview Dr. SW, T2W 4X6, Calgary, Canada
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