Hi Friend,
Just a reminder - the live event "How To Improve Communication With Your Spouse" is happening tonight from 7 to 9pm at the Lymph Balance Center here in Calgary.
I hope you've been looking at the guides I've been sending out to you this past week.
I know that a few simple guides are not going to "fix" whatever is going on for you.
That's not why I sent them.
"Whaaaaat? Why else would she send me that stuff?"... you might be saying to yourself.
Let me explain.
I want you to see there are SO many aspects and "sides" to our communication with another person and we can easily:
1.Have something missing from the mix that really belongs there but isn't present (example: patience and respect)
2. Something in the mix that doesn't belong there and ought to be taken out (example: sarcasm)
3. We flat out have made an inaccurate assumption or a faulty interpretation and what we think is going on with the other person is simply not true (example: "he doesn't care")
I'm looking forward to meeting you tonight where we're going to talk about these 3 aspects of communication , how they show up in your marriage and what you can do to make things better.
See you this evening,
Donna Tosky Couple's Love Coach www.BetweenMenAndWomen.com 403 4559351