Subject: Do you repair after a fight?... or what?

Hi Friend,

When you first got together,
it was great wasn't it?

You were (probably) SO 
attentive...... SO caring ....
... on your best behavior

What the heck happened to

I don't mean to single you
two out, but I'll bet you're
not much different from the
100's of other couples I've
worked with that say they've
had this same experience ...
(if not a taste of it).

Pretty darned good in the
beginning ... maybe with
a few rough spots ...

... then likely something
happened (maybe kids
came, career change, death
of a parent) ... and bamm ...

... right before your eyes ... 

... things started going South.

That was my experience 
too ... and it's a real common

I was in a marriage for 14
years that ended horribly ...

... and we were BOTH really
good people.

It wasn't our fault ... we didn't
know anything. 

I didn't know ANY of what I
teach couples today.

It seemed like there were
a zillion things wrong with
our communication and 
marriage when we ended

One big thing I noticed
about us, especially toward
the end, was that it would
take nothing to get into a
fight about everything.

A wide sweeping global 
statement, I know ... but no
kidding, that's how it was.

I see now that one of our 
biggest problems was that 
we had absolutely NO 
structure or guidance on
how to handle conflict that
led to "Dumb Fights".

We could never get 
anywhere and resentments
would just stack up ... one
on top of the other to the
point that it didn't even
matter what we were fighting
about ....

... it got so that we just
looked at each other and
the fight was on.

So if you're a couple that
deals with this, as I did, I'm 
going to pass on yet 
another guide for you to 
take a look at called:

Even THEN ... I know that it 
can get so far out of hand
for the couple because there
is just so many hurt feelings
and resentments to overcome,
that a brief guide simply doesn't
cut it.

And hey ...  you may even be
one of those couples that never 
fights .... 

 ... maybe for you it's the 
"cold shoulder" and the silent
treatment, which is just as 

So, even though I may not 
know exactly what you are
dealing with as a couple...

... it's my experience that
there are common "threads"
and "trails" that couples
go down.  

 Another thing I know about 
you is how improving things
with your spouse is SO 
do-able ... no matter what
your experience. 

There really is SO much

You just have to know what
to put your focus on ... and
this is what is most often
missing for the couple.

I'll say more about that in 
my next email. 

In the meantime, go take
a look at my guide:

and if you're a couple that
gets caught in this, see if 
you can identify which 
important step has been 
missing and consider what
it would take to put all of
those steps into practice.

I'm really looking forward
to meeting you this Monday,
where I'm going to shed 
some light on a NEW way 
to begin to look at some 
of the old stuff that might be
going on between you 
and your partner.

Talk to you later,

Couple's Love Coach
403 4559351

Inner Sync Systems Inc., 2322 Woodview Dr. SW, T2W 4X6, Calgary, Canada
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