Subject: Bandwidth fixed: Page #1 results proof pdf back up until midnight...


wow, ok, I messed up there...

it turns out the site that I uploaded the page #1 proof pdf to ran out of bandwidth yesterday, as well as they SkyRanker guys ending the offer early, so I've fixed the badnwidth on my site and got the guys to open up the offer again until midnight tonight (Wed 22nd), IT WILL be closed after this and won't re-open any time soon!

reminder: I grabbed myself a copy of the SkyRanker system to test it out and the 5 Press Releases I submitted just last week, on the 16th April, are already getting multiple rankings for a whole bunch of keywords!

I've created and uploaded a pdf with the screen shots so you can see for yourself just how quickly this system works...

You can grab the pdf here:

The simple fact is that Press Releases work and they work VERY quickly!

oh, and make sure you check out page 21 of the pdf, after all the screenshots of my new page 1 rankings... ;-)
Kind regards,
Matt Garrett & Gary Prendergast

Profit Marketer


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