Subject: Friend, Bank increased 66% in 2 days

Hi Friend,

It just goes to show, laying with a £100 starting bank is profitable if...

If you're a member if Phil Allen's.

Phil's hit 18 lays in a row now across his 2 services, since the end of April he's 53/56, as near to perfect as you're going to get when it comes to the horses.

Yesterday his 3 Day Lay sold out and it went on to hit 10/10 and make £100 profit on the day.

Today his new method hit another 2 wins which means in just 2 days he has taken a £100 starting bank and grown it to £166.

A 66% increase.

Now the bad news.

That many members have taken up his new offer that he's not taking on members after 10pm tonight.

Get in here before 10pm

Kind Regards
Football Loophole Team