Subject: Are YOU Ready To Unlock Betting Gold?

Hi Friend,

If you haven't already seen Eric Jarvis has just re-opened the doors to his Final Furlong Racing service.

Over the last 6 years Eric has made a consistent £35k each and every year from betting on the horses.

Just check out what some of his current members are saying about him:

"Eric you are the man!

In just my first week on being a member of Final Furlong Racing I've made a £872.98 profit.

I really can't believe this. Look forward to making more over the next 12 months."

- Jason Dunn, Basingstoke

"Thanks for the tips Eric.

I can't believe it, a service that actually works and makes money.

I've been searching for this for years but everyone just talks a good game. Finally someone actually backs up their claims and delivers the goods.

£3k profit and climbing.

Thanks again"

- Neil Langer, Stockport

If you're serious about making some money from betting then you really cannot afford to miss this!

To your success

Thank You
Second Half Secret Team