Subject: The Real Magic Happens Before Anyone Hits Your Links...

The Real Magic Happens Before Anyone Hits Your Links...

December 27th, 2021 at 9:17 am EDT

View onlineI hope you had a good holiday over this wonderfultime of the year. And I also know it can be a tough time for some folks. But hopefully this email can bring some good info / newsfor you. I look around online and see a lot of people bending ...

Wanna Make MOOLAH Just like FB and GOOG-LE?

December 23rd, 2021 at 9:09 pm EDT

View onlineBig G and FB have been at it for years! They have been cashing in on the massesfor years. But how can you get a piece of the pie? Well it's not by posting pics of yesterday'sleft over turkey dinner. That may get engagement and comments but ...