Subject: Why Most People Fail?

Most people fail online because... to put

things bluntly...

Most people don't do jack.

I sent out an email last week.

And one guy on my list (that I never

heard of), replied saying that I was lying.

He said that if we compared how many

people succeed at getting paid by their jobs

compared to people getting paid by their

affiliate marketing deal, that it was obvious

that jobs pay way better.

But here's the thing...

Most people who have jobs show up and

just do 'enough' so they don't get fired and

get a pay check.

Nothing is wrong with jobs.

If you have one, have gratitude for it.

But if you want to succeed online, then you

will have to show up 'everyday' and do some

kind of income producing activity.

If not, then you will most likely not make any money.


The truthful reason why most people fail is because

most people hardly put much effort into their online


Now on the same token (pun intended)...

If you want to earn how to make an income

with Crypto, then here is one income producing activity that works!

-Rory Singh

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