Subject: This is 100% Your Responsibility...

I used to be a tired burnt out trucker who worked

over 70 hours per week on average.

I originally came into this industry of MMO with the wrong

Mindset and was looking for someone or something to save


Then one day I finally was told by a coach that I was the ONLY

One who could save me from my predicament.

You see, I desperately wanted out of my job because it was

burning a hole in my soul and really needed to find a way to

replace my income online.

And luckily for me that I listened to the advice from my coach

and learned the skills sets of marketing and promotion.

On top of that, I didn't truly believe at the 'unconscious' level

(like most people online) that I could actually succeed.

Most people in this industry (like I did) have a 'self' limiting

belief that holds back from taking the right actions that will actually

give you what you are after (monetary returns).

This is why you have probably seen so many people losing their

shirts in some ponz ee.

If you don't truly believe that something great can happen for you

then a ponz ee won't bring you the change you may be really wanting

to have either.

If you don't believe then you don't believe and will most likely go down

the self sabotage road just like most people.

What can you do?

You can make a decision to yourself (just like I did when I didn't believe)

to 'remove' the self limiting beliefs that you may currently have if you have

been at this for some time now and still not seeing the kind of results that

you really want.

This is what I did...

I plugged into this training (yes it was actually this guys training that helped

me get the skill sets that I needed (and you need) in order to start creating

a pay check online.

The self limiting beliefs that hold people back can be removed by doing

daily personal development.

Learn more here.

-Rory Singh

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