Subject: This Will NEVER Change On Its Own...

Are you that dark wispy figure that leaves

before the crack of dawn and returns after


Are you tired and burnt out?

Well if so, I can relate.

I used to be a Truck Driver here in Ontario,

Canada and used to work up to 80 hours

week some times.

I kept asking God for a way out and guess what?

It never came.

I had to learn by experience that God only helps those

who help themselves.

What does this mean?

It means that you have 'enough' in you right now

to create what ever you want to create.

But it won't happen all by itself on its own.

-You will have to be a marketer.

-You will have to find something set up for the long term.

-You will have to drive traffic.

-You will have to follow up.

-You will have to be consistent.

Anything else would be fruitless.

Anything else would be just straight up

wishing and hoping.

And guess what?

Billions of people are wishing, hoping and

praying but not too much changes for them

all on its own.

If you want change, you will have to become it.

Sorry there is no way around this.

Are you ready?

You will only be ready if you are completely fed up.

Are you?

This is the ONLY time you will be willing to do something

for yourself.

If you are, then you can start the real MMO process here.

If not, I am 100% okay with that.

Are you?

-Rory Singh

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